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iCare WorldWide is an organization to prevent harm done to animals all over the world and to preserve their health and well being.

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Dental and Oral Health Care in Dogs and Cats – Do They Include Dental Implants?

The American Veterinary Medical Asso. highlights the importance of a pet’s dental health, as any occurrence of an oral problem will lead to other health issues. That being the case, the AVMA recommends having a veterinarian knowledgeable in animal dentistry, check your dog or cat’s teeth at least once a year to see if there are any early signs of dental problem to avoid the occurrence of infection.

Who Should Perform Oral Health Care on Animals?

Veterinary dentistry deals with various aspects of animal oral care, from cleaning, filing, adjusting, extracting, or repairing animal teeth. Such procedures should be done by a board-certified veterinary dentist or a veterinarian. In some areas, depending on the state or provincial regulation, veterinary technicians can also perform particular dental procedures; but with the condition that they perform work while under the supervision of a state-licensed veterinarian.

Are Dental Implant Replacements Available to Cats and Dogs?

There is no such thing as dental implant replacement for dogs and cats, as some pet lovers have asked veterinary dentists after their dog or cat underwent tooth extraction or repair.

Unlike humans, animals have contrasting facial and dental anatomy. Besides the teeth of dogs and cats do not extrude nor shift, once a tooth has been extracted. Mainly because there are differences in the sizes and root shapes of animal teeth. Another reason is that it has something to do with the occlusal forces applied by the teeth whenever dogs and cats eat.

Dogs and cats are not like humans who possess teeth that bump each other, which largely help a person to chew and grind the food he eats. Animal teeth are actually developed as a mechanism that could kill, rip, grab, and swallow a prey as food. As far as domesticated dogs or cats are concerned, having fewer or no teeth at all is not as serious, as they do not have to hunt or compete with other animals to obtain food.

Dogs and cats use their teeth very differently from humans which makes dental implant replacements useless. Some pets that still have their complete sets of teeth still swallow their food whole. The main reason for this is because of their natural wild instinct of needing to quickly consume their food by swallowing large amounts before another animal snatches it or before larger predator arrives.

Even if cats or dogs lose their teeth, the loss does not change animal facial features the way it does in humans Still, small breeds of animals like yorkies, chihuahuas, and dachshunds are exceptions. When these small breeds lose their lower canine teeth it could cause changes in the animal’s tongue-lolling movement,which could affect the way they pick up food.

Even in Australia, dental implants have not shown any signs that they would improve dog and cat patients’ quality of life. The Australian Veterinary Dental Society, like the American Veterinary Medical Association has also made it their mission to provide the best oral and dental care for domesticated animals. That is why It’s not ethically reasonable for an animal to undergo the stressful conditions related to surgical implants when they need to chew or bite hard on something.

The Risks Involved When Animals and Children Are Together

The Risks Involved When Animals and Children Are Together

Young boy running followed by a dog


Enjoying close relationships and learning life lessons from their own pets, many children love animals. However, when children and animals are together, there are responsibilities and risks involved.

It is important that children are taught the talents to behave safely around animals and to forestall and recognize any problems which will arise. You should:

  • Treat animals gently and calmly, teach children to always do that way. An animal should never be hurt, teased, frightened, surprised, or cornered.
  • Always closely supervise children near animals, including pets. If this is often unfeasible, then separate them.
  • Never disturb an animal that’s eating or sleeping.
  • Ask friends and relatives to try and do the identical.
  • Keep your pet healthy.
  • After touching animals, their toys, bedding, food bowls, etc, always wash your hands.

Child safety and dogs

Most Australian households have pets. There’s a proportion of kids who are injured annually because of an occurrence with a dog. Those who are most in danger and are most often bitten by their own or a friend’s dog, usually in or around the home, are children five years old or younger. During play, eating or when the dog is sleeping, incidents are usually triggered by a child’s interaction with the dog.

Any dog can and might bite a baby.

To avoid incidents and reduce the danger of dog bites to children, some things you can do include:

  • Especially during playing with dogs when children must be gentle, children always need close and constant supervision when near dogs. So, supervise.
  • Teach children to go away a dog alone when it’s sleeping or eating.
  • Teach children to not approach an unfamiliar dog, whether or not it’s friendly.
  • Always have your child ask you and therefore the dog owner if they require to pat a dog.
  • Pat dogs gently and calmly.
  • If a baby is approached by an unfamiliar dog, teach the kid to face completely still, arms by their sides, hands during a fist, and do not run or scream, or make eye contact with the dog.
  • Train the dog to obey commands like sit, stay, drop, and are available.
  • Never intervene between dogs that are fighting.

Choosing a family dog

When choosing a dog to be a part of your family, research what breed are best for your lifestyle and environment. The essentials are keeping your dog healthy, training, and socializing with adults, children, and other animals.

What to try to do when a dog bites

If your child is bitten by a dog:

  • Calm your child.
  • If the skin has been broken, wash the world under cold running water.
  • Apply an antiseptic and canopy the bite with a clean dressing.
  • Take the kid to a childrens doctor Orlando residents know, as a tetanus booster and antibiotics could also be necessary.
  • If a chunk of flesh has been bitten off, call an ambulance.
  • Control the bleeding by applying firm pressure to the wound employing a sterile dressing or clean cloth, until the ambulance arrives.
  • If your child is pale or drowsy, lie them down and lift their legs on a pillow or folded blanket.
  • Any food or water, do not give your child.


ALSO READ: 7 Steroids For Dogs And What They Are For


Child safety and cats

Cats make great pets and will be treated gently and responsibly. However:

  • Commonly causing puncture wounds which will become infected, injuries from cats are mainly bites or scratches commonly on the top, neck, or upper extremity.
  • Cats have lots of nasty bacteria on their teeth and claws. These teeth and claws are quite sharp.
  • Must be thoroughly washed and disinfected are any cat bites or scratches.
  • By not allowing children to play in garden beds that the cat uses for toileting or access to litter trays, keep good hygiene.
  • Keep cats out of a child’s nursery so they are doing not have access to the cot.

Child safety and birds

Parrot fever (psittacosis) is common in Australia. Symptoms are much identical because of the flu with real heat. People can and do catch it. Children must use caution when handling birds from the parrot family, including budgerigars, as children have less resistance to psittacosis than adults. Children should wash their hands after touching birds.

Child safety and snakes

Children should be taught the risks of snakes and reptiles, although deaths from snakebite aren’t quite common. Attempt to avoid walking through long grass and bushland once you have children with you. Like enclosed protective footwear and trousers, always wear safe clothing, if you do.

If a snake or reptile does appear, don’t handle or provoke it, because this can be when many of us are bitten. Attempt to remain as still as possible until the snake moves away.


If your child is bitten by a snake:

  • Keep your child still and calm.
  • To the affected limb, apply a pressure bandage and splint.
  • Get your child to the closest hospital urgently.


Effects of Poor Oral Hygiene On Our Pets

Effects of Poor Oral Hygiene On Our Pets

Importance of oral hygiene for our loving pets.

According to Sky Dental and other Clinics, Good oral hygiene is just as important in dogs and cats as it is in humans, but is often underestimated. Although dogs and cats have other problems (for example, they rarely suffer from ‘cavities’), dental problems are common. According to Phoenix Dentist, Dental problems cause pain in our pets that is rarely noticed. It is often only after the animal has been treated that the owner realizes how miserable his pet has been with toothaches!

As an owner, you can help prevent this.

Owners sometimes come to a consultation with the complaint that their dog has bad breath. In almost all cases, this is due to food particles that get stuck between the teeth, plaque, bacteria and tartar.

How does tartar form?

Tartar is caused by the calcification of dental plaque. Plaque is a thin layer on the teeth that consists of saliva, food particles, live and dead bacteria. When plaque sticks to the teeth, it calcifies into tartar. Tartar then builds up and can form large lumps.

What are the consequences:

If tartar is not removed, the gums will also be affected after a while. The gums then become red and painful and begin to recede. Yet the animals continue to eat because the instinct to survive is greater than the pain.
Meanwhile, bacteria get a chance to climb up and settle between the tooth and jawbone. This loosens the teeth, causing even more pain.

An overview of the consequences of poor oral hygiene for your dog / cat:

  • development of tartar
  • bad breath
  • red and swollen gums
  • receding gums
  • loose and rotting teeth
  • drooling profusely
  • pain
  • don’t want to eat anymore.

Inflammation in the mouth can also spread to other parts of the body (heart, kidneys, liver), quickly making the situation more serious.

Can I Prevent My Dog From Getting Tartar?

Some breeds are more prone to developing tartar than others. Especially the smaller breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier and the Poodle suffer from dental problems very early.
But even within the same breed we often see individual differences. This is because the formation of plaque and tartar is influenced, among other things, by the acidity of the saliva, and this is slightly different for each individual.
Age also plays a role: the older your animal, the greater the chance that he or she will develop tartar. That is why the dental check-up is an important part of the check-up of your senior pet.

However, there are a number of things you can pay attention to to prevent the formation of tartar:


An important factor in the development of tartar is feeding wet food. Animals that are fed wet food are much more likely to suffer from teeth problems.
Every Pet Shop has a line of dog and cat food that gives extra care to the teeth ; The chunk structure has been modified in such a way that the chunk only breaks when the entire tooth passes through the chunk (unlike other chunks that break at the first force). This way the teeth are cleaned much more thoroughly. With this, you can check if your pets oral health and hygiene is good and nothing to worry about. Plus, the dogs and cats love them too!

Chewing, a natural form of brushing your teeth

Wildlife is not so prone to tartar. This is because they chew the bones of their prey, which cleans their teeth. Therefore, give your dog something hard to chew on a regular basis, but be careful. Bones (eg chicken legs) can shatter causing sharp pieces to puncture the dog’s throat, stomach or intestines. Therefore give adapted chewing bones. In my practice you will find the Orozyme chewing strips and chewing bones. These strips do not shatter and are therefore completely safe. In addition, as the dog chews on them, they release enzymes that prevent the formation of tartar.


Brushing teeth

Not all dogs like to chew, and some dogs may need a helping hand by brushing their teeth. Never use human toothpaste for this, because it contains too much fluorine for your dog or cat. There are special toothpastes on the market to clean your pet’s teeth, such as the Orozyme chicken flavor toothpaste, which is usually well tolerated.
You can use an adapted toothbrush or a finger brush. Sometimes it takes a while to find out what works best for your animal.


Additional measures

Is brushing your teeth not successful or does your dog really not want to chew on chewing strips or chewing bones?  Then Orozyme has another solution for you: the Bucco-fresh powder is a powder that you sprinkle over your animal’s food, and that also contains the necessary enzymes to prevent tartar. In addition to this, there is a liquid that you must add to the drinking water and which has the same effect.

Check regularly

We always check your dog’s teeth during the annual check-up of your animal. During the year you can also check your dog’s teeth yourself. If you suddenly notice bad-smelling breath or your dog starts drooling a lot, it’s not a bad idea to pop in and have your animal’s teeth checked.
In case of excessive tartar, I recommend that you have your teeth cleaned ultrasonically. This technique removes the tartar.

Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ For Dogs And Cats

Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ For Dogs And Cats

Dentistry for dogs and cats is an important branch of veterinary medicine. It includes many areas such as periodontology, stomatology, tooth preservation, oral surgery, orthodontics and jaw surgery including jaw resections for oral cavity tumors.

Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ: Dentistry services for dogs and cats

In addition to professional dental prophylaxis, Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ offers a comprehensive range of modern dentistry services for dogs and cats:Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ

  • Periodontal treatment
  • Tooth preservation
  • Fillings (vital amputations and root fillings)
  • Oral surgery
  • Orthodontics
  • Oral surgery including jaw resections for oral cavity tumours

Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ: Teeth cleaning in dogs and cats

Teeth cleaning in dogs and cats is a useful measure to prevent diseases of the teeth, gums and oral cavity. On the clean tooth surface, a thin coating forms from saliva components within a short time. Food particles and bacteria lead to the formation of plaque, a gel-like layer on the teeth. You can remove pellicles and plaque manually with a toothbrush.

If the soft plaque layer is mineralized by bacteria, tartar is created that can no longer be removed manually. If more tartar appears, gingivitis occurs which professional teeth cleaning can treat with. Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis if you will not treat this.

Oral surgery for dogs and cats: Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ

The core tasks of oral surgery are tooth extractions, root resection and operations on the soft tissue of the oral cavity. In animal dentistry, teeth are most often extracted.

Reasons for tooth extractions in dogs and cats:

  • Periodontal damaged teeth
  • Persistent milk teeth
  • Breakdown of the hard tooth substance
  • Complicated tooth fractures
  • Root remains
  • Retained (displaced) teeth
  • Tooth decay in the dog
  • Orthodontic problem cases
  • Cat gingivitis-stomatitis complex

Tip resections are rarely performed in dogs and cats. However, they are necessary if, despite proper endodontic root treatment, an inflammatory process continues to exist in the tip area.

Soft tissue operations on the oral cavity include procedures such as surgical removal of the gums, closure of oronasal fistulas, closure of cleft palates and removal of salivary glands.

Oral Surgeon Gilbert, AZ for dogs and cats

Oral surgery includes the treatment of jaw fractures, tooth re-implantations, retained teeth and operations on the temporomandibular joint. In addition, oral surgeons perform jaw resections for oral cavity tumours in their practice.

7 Steroids For Dogs And What They Are For

7 Steroids For Dogs And What They Are For



Steroids—they’re one every of the foremost common forms of medications given to dogs. But did you recognize that there are literally seven classes of steroid drugs, each of which works differently within the body and has its own set of potential side effects?

Read on to find out exactly what you’re giving your dog and what problems you must be careful of.


Glucocorticoids are out and away from the foremost common sort of steroid employed in medicine. Familiar names as prednisone, prednisolone, triamcinolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone, flumethasone, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, and methylprednisolone are what glucocorticoids include, and the list of these drugs is long. At relatively low doses, glucocorticoids reduce inflammation. At higher doses, they suppress the system. Glucocorticoids are commonly accustomed to treat allergies and immune-mediated diseases but may additionally be prescribed if a dog has Addison’s disease (see the following section), to treat shock, or within the therapeutic protocol for a few kinds of cancer.

Glucocorticoids are often given by injection, orally, topically, or by inhalation. The short term use of glucocorticoids is usually quite safe, but once they must be at especially high doses, over long periods of your time, or can’t be tapered to a minimum of every other day use, side effects like the subsequent become more likely:

  • increased thirst, urination, and hunger
  • susceptibility to infections
  • gastrointestinal ulcers
  • muscular weakness
  • abnormal behaviors
  • the event of Cushing’s disease

Serious side effects are far more likely if glucocorticoid medications should run systemically (by mouth or injection) instead of locally (e.g., inhaled, applied to the skin, or as eye drops).


When dogs have Addison’s disease, their adrenal glands don’t produce enough of two forms of steroids—glucocorticoids (described above) and mineralocorticoids. Mineralocorticoids are accountable for maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes within the body while glucocorticoids play a task within the stress response. Central to treating dogs with Addison’s disease is replacing the missing mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids.

Fludrocortisone may be given orally and has both mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid activity while desoxycorticosterone could be a long-acting, injectable mineralocorticoid. Both of those drugs are quite safe but can cause increased thirst and urination. More serious side effects are generally seen only if dogs are overdosed or abruptly stop receiving their medications.

Adrenal Cortical Steroids

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (also called ACTH or corticotropin) and cosyntropin are accustomed to diagnosing dogs with Cushing’s disease and Addison’s disease. These drugs are given by injection as a part of an ACTH stimulation test, which determines whether or not a dog’s adrenal glands are functioning normally. ACTH stimulation tests also are accustomed to monitor dogs with Cushing’s disease who are being treated with the drug mitotane. Side effects are unlikely with adrenal cortical steroids since they’re not given over the future.


ALSO READ: Should You Give Vitamins to Your Pets?


Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids like stanozolol, boldenone, and nandrolone, while still occasionally prescribed to stimulate the appetite, promote weight gain, increase strength, and treat anemia that’s related to long-run illness, don’t seem to be commonly utilized in medicine anymore. But people who buy steroids Canada online still acquire these drugs for their other health benefits, much like how it affects dogs.

As they’re known to cause serious birth defects, anabolic steroids should never tend to animals who may become pregnant. Reproductive dysfunction in both males and females, electrolyte abnormalities, liver damage, and behavioral changes are the other potential side effects it includes.


Estradiol could be a present estrogen. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is that the more commonly used synthetic version of estrogen. Both are steroid hormones that are most often accustomed to treating incontinency in female dogs when the safer medication phenylpropanolamine (PPA) doesn’t produce satisfactory results. Including a potentially fatal uterine infection (pyometra), feminization of male animals, an increased likelihood of some varieties of cancer, and bone marrow suppression that ends up in blood disorders, estrogens can have many potentially serious side effects.


to postpone heat cycles or alleviate false pregnancies in female dogs and treat benign prostatic hypertrophy in male dogs are what Progestins, which are steroid hormones, are typically prescribed for. They will even be used for a few sorts of skin problems or to change aggressive behavior. Megesterol and medroxyprogesterone are the foremost commonly used progestins in dogs. Potential side effects include increased thirst and appetite, behavioral changes, duct gland enlargement, and an increased likelihood of developing a few styles of cancer, diabetes, reproductive disorders, acromegaly, uterine infection (pyometra), and Cushing’s disease.


Androgens are a category of steroid hormones with sample products including Danazol, mibolerone, and testosterone. Androgens have a spread of uses like treating hormone-responsive enuresis in male dogs, suppression of warmth cycles, and alleviation of false pregnancies in female dogs, and as a part of the therapy for a few kinds of immune-mediated blood disorders. Masculinization of female dogs, liver toxicity, and therefore the promotion of some styles of cancer are the foremost worrisome potential side effects.

The Pros and Cons of Steroids for Dogs

Having saved many lives, steroids are very effective medications. However, this drug class is additionally related to a comparatively high incidence of side effects. In many cases, problems are often prevented or managed by using rock bottom dose possible for the shortest period of your time and by closely monitoring dogs while they’re on steroid medications. Should it ever be recommended for your dog, see a veterinarian about the pros and cons of steroid treatment.


Know Your Health Insurance Options With Metisurance And Did You Know You Can Insure Your Pets Too?

Know Your Health Insurance Options With Metisurance And Did You Know You Can Insure Your Pets Too?

There are numerous good reasons as to why a health insurance is imperative. Individuals who don’t have any kind of health insurance tend to get less medical and timely care, have more serious health consequences, as well as burden themselves and their families financially. Furthermore, the advantages of expanding health insurance coverage offset the cost for additional services. While clinics and hospitals have a form of safety-net care that betters access to medical or health care, this however does not completely substitute a health insurance plan and the benefits it offers.

Securing a high-quality insurance plan will greatly help you to avoid huge medical bills that could bring about financial difficulty as well as medical bankruptcy. With the right health insurance plan, you could visit a physician for preemptive services in order to circumvent serious ailments, care for prevailing health conditions, and for treatment of new medical or health issues, like injury or chronic disease.

Metisurance – Know and Understand Your Insurance Options

A health insurance is very beneficial, however knowing and comprehending your options could be perplexing. Fortunately, there are numerous resources and companies that could help you compare and understand health care insurance plans. Metisurance is one.

Metisurance is not a health insurance provider but a health insurance brokerage firm. The independent firm has the best licensed health insurance brokers in the United States. They have the expertise and the experience to help you find the most fitting health insurance plan from top health insurance providers that would complement your needs as well as your finances.

Insurance brokers like Metisurance function as liaisons for a consumer and an insurance provider. With your relevant background information and their extensive know-how about insurance, licensed professional insurance brokers would be able to locate a coverage that agrees with your needs at a wallet-friendly cost.

Purchasing a health insurance is a personal choice, so is deciding to work with an insurance broker. However, insurance brokers are generally best to work with particularly for individuals whose insurance demands are more complicated.

Check out Metisurance if you would want learn more about the health insurance options available to you as well as what you need so as to enroll.

Pet Insurance – What Is It?

An insurance is availed primarily because it is kind of risk management to protect the insured from uncertain financial loss or contingent risk. When it comes to insurance, almost everything can be insured, even your pets.

A pet insurance would help cover the expense for veterinary care. In some certain ways, this financial product is identical to the health insurance for people. For instance, both insurance make use of deductibles as well as coinsurance to find out the amount you need to pay for medical care which will come out of your own pocket. Also, like the health insurance for people, expect to also pay a premium on a monthly basis for a pet insurance.

A pet insurance could be utilized with any veterinarian; however, a large number of pet insurance won’t cover preventive care or general checkups unless you pay for the extra. Although you may think that getting a pet insurance isn’t necessary, it is still best to have that kind of risk management as vet bills could cost you thousands of dollars if your pet needs treatment for any injury or sickness. Pets are commonly regarded as dearly loved companions and a member of the family. For sure you also want to give your pet quality care in the event they fall ill or get injured.

Exipure: Dogs Vitamins And Feed Supplements

Exipure: Dogs Vitamins And Feed Supplements

A healthy, normally busy dog ​​is well looked after with high-quality complete food. This contains all the important vitamins and nutrients that your fur nose needs. But sometimes it has to be a little more in the case of deficiency symptoms, increased stress, great physical strain, raw feeding or after an operation, for example. Then supplementary feeds can be useful for your dog.

Your vet will advise you better about the need, type and dosage of dietary supplements. As a pet owner, you must also take care of your health. Therefore, customer reviews on Exipure can help you find the best dietary supplement for your needs.

Exipure and common feed supplements for dogs

Complementary feeds for dogs are added to the feed to strengthen and support the body and its organs. They also prevent and relieve discomfort. In addition to vitamins, the well-known ingredients also include brewer’s yeast, valuable amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals, herbal extracts and fish oil. The preparations are available in the form of tablets, drops, flakes, pastes, powders or as a gel, which is added to dog food. Complementary feeds therefore enrich the feed with the necessary vitamins, fibre or nutrients. There are, for example, additives with calcium or magnesium or B vitamins for dogs.

Exipure: Use supplementary feed for dogs sensibly

If your dog is healthy and fit, in the prime of its life and you have provided it with a high-quality complete feed, it does not need any feed additives. But, for extremely active dogs, very old four-legged friends, pregnant bitches or dogs with chronic diseases, the supplementary feed can be an effective and healthy feed additive.customer reviews on Exipure

But a lot doesn’t always help a lot. On the contrary, an overdose, for example of minerals or other additives, can cause lasting harm to your four-legged friend. Too many fat-soluble vitamins stress the liver, among other things, because they cannot be easily excreted. The wrong ratio of the ingredients to one another can also have negative effects. This is particularly common with calcium and phosphorus.

Food supplements may therefore only be given when necessary and strictly according to the dosage instructions. If in doubt, you should consult your vet about which remedy makes sense in each individual case.

Online Pharmacy: Dog Food Types For Health

Online Pharmacy: Dog Food Types For Health

The selection of dog food is huge in the online shop for pet supplies. Not only do newbies wonder what the best diet is for their darling, even experienced dog owners are often unsure which food is the healthiest. online pharmacy IrelandThey are not sure which food provides their four-legged friend with all the important vitamins and nutrients they need for a healthy life.

If you are a pet owner, you can check online pharmacy Ireland and know the best and healthy foods for your pets.

There are many different types of dog foods, and each one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. There are also different types of food that are specifically tailored to the age or breed of the four-legged friend. A puppy needs different food than a senior dog. A small dog breed should eat correspondingly smaller chunks. Whereas, large dogs need larger chunks for the ideal care of their teeth.

Puppy food supports the animals in their steady, healthy growth and provides them with the proteins and calcium they need for a healthy body.  An older dog needs senior food that is particularly easy to digest and low in energy.

Dry healthy dog ​​food: Online pharmacy

Feeding dry dog ​​food is extremely practical. It has a longer shelf life than moist food and is easy to feed. Transport and storage are also uncomplicated due to the removal of water. In addition, this food has a positive effect on the dog’s dental health. The feed portions can be relatively small because the feed has a smaller volume due to its high energy density.

The moisture content is only 3 to 10 percent. With high-quality dog food, the dog’s entire nutritional needs are covered and the animal receives all the important minerals, vitamins, trace elements and fibre that are important for a long and healthy dog ​​life. The lack of moisture can be compensated for with water if necessary, many dogs love dry food in warm water.

Online pharmacy: The advantages and disadvantages of dry food

The advantages of dry foods outweigh the benefits. It is inexpensive, has a high energy density, is easy to store and transport. This creates relatively little packaging waste compared to canned food. The selection of dry complete food is also very large.

Disadvantages are that this type of feeding is often less accepted and feed mites can be deposited.

Benefits Of Chiropractic For Animals

Benefits Of Chiropractic For Animals

Chiropractic is a manual and scientifically based technique for treating functional disorders of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system.

Disturbances in these areas can seriously impair the nervous system and lead to acute symptoms in the long term. As a rule, these remain unnoticed at first, as the body can compensate for limitations in mobility for a certain period of time.

The aim of Dr Steven Becker chiropractor Los Angeles is to localize such functional disorders and blockages in the body especially in the spine to find out their causes and subsequently to treat them sustainably. Instead of merely containing superficial symptoms of illness, chiropractic offers a way to permanent healing.

Of course, certain symptoms can also be an expression of diseases that do not fall into the chiropractic area. It is therefore important to always have the treatment carried out by a trained veterinarian. It recognizes whether your animal actually needs chiropractic or conventional medical treatment.

Application areas of chiropractic for animals

  • Arthrosis
  • Existing irreversible changes
  • Spondylosis
  • Spinal column trauma and much more

Possible symptoms for blockages in small animals

  • Expressions of pain with certain movements or when lifting
  • Unspecific lameness
  • Restricted performance
  • Reluctance to move
  • Unwillingness to climb stairs or jump to elevated places
  • Lick eczema on legs or paws
  • Recurring ear or anal gland infections

The most common causes

  • Age and performance
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Anaesthesia
  • Transport
  • Trauma

Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary medicine

Chiropractic represents a useful addition to the treatment of numerous symptoms of mechanical origin.

If chiropractors diagnose a blockage, they carry out the correction with a quick impulse with the hands or fingers directly on the vertebral body or on the corresponding vertebral processes. With the right technique and precise knowledge of the respective anatomy, vertebrae can be manipulated easily and with little effort even with large muscle masses without overstretching the ligamentous apparatus.

The question of the frequency of treatment has to be answered individually for each animal. Animals with acute problems generally respond more quickly to treatment than those with chronic complaints. In most cases, however, the animals require several sessions until they restore full mobility of the spine. The muscles and ligaments should be able to function properly again. The symptoms must subside have completely.

In young animals, experts primarily use chiropractic treatment for prophylaxis and health care. With older animals, the focus is on increasing the quality of life.

Why and How Dog Owners Should Prevent Obesity in Their Pets

While the CDC highly advocates pet ownership as one way to stay healthy, it should be clear that owning also comes with a responsibility to care for the animal. People are sometimes too engrossed with their own work and health issues, they tend to forget their dogs, need more than food and shelter in order to stay healthy. In fact in North America, studies show that about 25-30% of canines kept in households are obese.

Obesity in dogs is also regarded as a canine disease because jut like humans, excess body fats, particularly in older dogs, increase the their risks of developing diseases that can shorten their lifespan. New studies show that fat tissues in dogs are capable of secreting inflammatory hormones, as well as apply oxidative stress on the animal’s body tissues. In both cases, excessive body fat in canines increase the animal’s susceptibility to the development of the following diseases, which is just to name a few of the most common:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes Melitus,
  • Heart Disease.
  • Any type of cancer,
  • Osteoarthritis,
  • Urinary bladder stones,
  • Less tolerance to warmer temperatures

How to Tackle Canine Obesity Problem

While obesity is common among dogs kept in North American households, it is also regarded as the most preventable. Yet, most dog owners have a hard time determining if their dog is already overweight or obese, since many of the most adorable dogs they see in the Internet are large robust types,

The best person who can determine if one’s dog is obese is a veterinarian That is why, bringing canine pets for regular veterinary visits is important.

Once a dog has been assessed as obese based on its weight and body mass index, the veterinarian will recommend reducing the amount of food being provided as meals and snacks to the animal.

The animal doctor will also recommend scientifically-tested nutritional food supplements that aid in the animal’s weight reduction program. Such animal supplements have overall lower calorie content, yet at the same time formulated with nutrients to ensure the dog will still receive proper nutrition.

Bear in mind that simply reducing your dog’s meals and depriving him of food increases the risk of ending up with a malnourished dog. Such a condition will make the animal more vulnerable animal diseases.

Treating obesity in canines is no less different when treating obesity in humans, While ending one’s overeating habits is important, eating balanced nutritious meals is still important. Moreover, canines must also engage in exercise that helps, not only in promoting blood circulation but also in the calorie burning processes.

Pet owners who face obesity problems themselves are advised against feeding their animals with the fat burning supplements they take, even if they experience improvements in their own weight reduction regimen. Although they contain natural ingredients, they have been tested as effective only in humans. Since some human foods can actually cause allergies to canines, there are also possibilities that some of these natural active ingredients can have the same effects.

As additional recommendation to obese pet owners, there’s a new kind of fat burner that’s been recently introduced, but available to buy only in the manufacturer’s website. Called Exipure, the formulation aims to convert excessive white fat into brown fat, the latter being the type of fat that can speed up the calorie burning process by way of thermogenesis.

To find out how this new fat burner works, read Exipure consumer reviews that provide more detailed descriptions of their effects,

The Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

To understand the causes of erectile dysfunction, it is useful to know what happens in the penis during an erection.

Wearable pleasure: Understanding erectile dysfunction

The erectile tissue is responsible for the stiffening of the penis. These contain muscular plexuses with cavities and blood vessels. An erection occurs when the blood supply to the erectile tissue is increased by widening the arteries.

wearable pleasure

However, since the erectile tissue is enveloped by firm connective tissue, the more superficial veins that are responsible for the outflow of blood are compressed. Therefore, the pressure in the erectile tissue increases and the penis stiffens. Because of this, some men resort to wearable pleasure.

An erection is a complex process in which nerves, blood vessels, hormones and the psyche have to interact. The causes of erectile dysfunction are therefore very diverse and often several triggers come together. Overall, it is known that psychological reasons predominate in younger men and more physical causes with increasing age.

In the course of time, however, even with originally purely physical causes, psychological problems can arise which can further negatively affect erectile dysfunction. Some of these problems are fear of failure, reduced self-esteem, avoidance of sexual activities, and depression.

Wearable pleasure: Common physical causes

  • Heart and vascular diseases, e.g. atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, vascular malformations in the genital area
  • Metabolic and organ diseases, e.g. diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, thyroid diseases, liver diseases
  • Diseases of the nerves and brain, e.g. multiple sclerosis, stroke, herniated disc, paraplegia, Parkinson’s disease
  • Diseases in the genital area, e.g. narrowing of the foreskin, malformations of the penis, tumour diseases, inflammation of the prostate, testicles or epididymis
  • Operations in the genital area, pelvis or abdomen.

Wearable pleasure: Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction often occurs in connection with general illnesses or as a result of malformations, changes or after operations in the genital area. Diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis and vascular anomalies are responsible for about 45% of all physical factors. In the case of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, the associated damage to nerves and blood vessels as well as hormonal disorders with reduced testosterone lead to erectile dysfunction. It is estimated that diabetics are 3 times as likely to develop erectile dysfunction as non-diabetics.


Personal Pets – Animal Health and Care

Personal Pets – Animal Health and Care


In the event that the pet is sick and suffering, the owner identifies. Be that as it may, what is useful for the pets and what hurts them? Regardless of the boundless love of pets, many animal people don’t have a clue about this. That is the reason erroneous keeping and taking care of are among the most well-known reasons for disease.

What do animals experience the ill effects of?

As in people, numerous illnesses are set off by microbes in animals. Qualification is made between animal infections – for example, illnesses that just happen in animals, for example, pig and rinderpest or foot and mouth sickness – thus called zoonoses.

This portrays every one of the infections that happen in people and animals and is sent together. Microbes can be infections, microscopic organisms, growths, and chlamydia. In excess of 200 such zoonoses are known today, including Bacillus anthracis, tuberculosis, and rabies.

Animals likewise experience the ill effects of various illnesses that are additionally known in human medication. These incorporate cancers, cardiovascular illnesses, and gastrointestinal infections.

What’s more, pets likewise go downhill and need to adapt to indications of the mileage of the joints, hips, back, or declining vision. Helpless sustenance, too little exercise, and some unacceptable way of life are the main sources of sickness in pets.

Man’s obliviousness or lack of concern for his pet is at fault. Tragically, many don’t understand that really focusing on each pet, regardless of how little, costs time, consideration, and cash.

Wrong stance, wrong food

Each pet person is liable for the welfare of his pet. Unfortunately, many individuals don’t approach this task seriously. In this manner, numerous sicknesses of pets are brought about by inappropriate eating routines and stances.

To comprehend the necessities of the animal, know how the pets live or have lived in normal environmental elements. Bunnies, for instance, eat most of the day to get enough supplements. This is on the grounds that great scavenge are scant in nature.

In bondage, bunnies frequently become too fat since they are served a lot of unhealthy instant food. Sack food has a few inconveniences. It frequently contains a lot of protein and fat, however insufficient fiber. The outcome: the animals bite nearly nothing and the teeth don’t destroy enough. The veterinarian then, at that point, needs to abbreviate the too-long front teeth with a couple of forceps.

Food additionally remains in the digestion tracts for a really long time, which thus prompts stomach-related issues and conduct issues. A few hares begin eating rug edges or stones. Fatigue likewise makes certain individuals forceful. The ideal bunny feast comprises grass and feeds just as some hare muesli with a fiber content of somewhere around 15%.

How does my pet stay healthy?

Prevention is better than cure – this guideline likewise applies in veterinary medication. Since pets and farm animals rely upon their owner, the owner bears an exceptional obligation.

However decent as it seems to be to have a pet, each animal, regardless of how little, makes work. It needs species-proper care and suitable treatment in the event that it becomes sick.

Each of these costs time and money. Before you purchase a pet, you ought to hence carefully check whether you truly want to offer the pet, not only for your personal care but also knowing the importance of the health of animals and giving them essential care for their whole life.

Do Animals Get Addicted Too?

Many facilities like Addiction Treatment Phoenix AZ  were asked a question. While, people can get addicted to certain drugs and alcohol, do animals have the tendency to get addicted too. Let’s explore further to find out if animals do get addicted too.

Documented: Animals found drunk

The internet is full of movies of staggering animals. Above all, the classic film “The Funny World of Animals”, which focuses on the behavior of lions, ostriches, and monkeys after they appear to have nibbled on the fermenting berries of the Merula tree in Africa. The list of drunk and high animals goes even further: Dolphins are said to have been observed several times that carry puffer fish in their mouths and pass around like a joint. The pufferfish contain a high concentration of the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin and secrete it under stress. Tetrodotoxin can be fatal in high doses. It is speculated that the dolphins are trying to get the pufferfish to expel some of the venoms, as this puts the dolphins in a trance-like state.

Alcohol can be dangerous to animals

In 2006, people in Vienna were amazed when waxwings fell from the sky in droves. The birds were examined and it came out: They were totally drunk, completely unfit to fly, and died of a broken neck. The background story: The animals had moved from the bitterly cold taiga to Central Europe, where they had gobbled up overripe grapes and mountain ash berries. In the animals’ stomachs, which are actually used to insect food, the fruit fermented, alcohol was created and made the birds unfit to fly.

From the Australian state of Tasmania, there are repeated reports of intoxicated small kangaroos devastating poppy fields. Apparently, they use the seeds of the opium poppy, get high, and jump in circles until they fall over. In northern Europe, on the other hand, moose and reindeer like to eat psychedelic mushrooms. These have an effect that can be compared to LSD. Shortly after consumption, the animals show intoxicating behavior such as aimless wandering around and a kind of headbanging. They also make strange noises.

And in the UK the hedgehog has a drinking problem. So-called beer traps are to blame, which are set up there by hobby gardeners to keep snails away from vegetables and flowers. Snails are the favorite dish of the hedgehogs, which is why they like to feast on the animals that have died in the barley juice. The consequence: The hedgehogs are not only full but also completely drunk and like to sleep off their intoxication somewhere in the garden without protection.

Read also: Why Hormonal Imbalance is a Serious Health Issue for Dogs

Much documented, but little researched

In short: intoxicated animals are documented in many ways. But Wolfgang Sommer from the Mannheim Central Institute for Mental Health describes the previous stories in an interview with only as “anecdotal reports”. There is a lot of evidence of staggering moose or dolphins in a state of trance. However, there are no systematic observations on this, says the psychiatrist, who researches the neurobiological, genetic, and behavioral basis of addiction.

Just because animals sometimes consume drugs does not automatically mean that they are addictive, says Sommer. Because in order to develop an addiction, a habit has to be present. In nature, however, natural, psychoactive substances are relatively rare, and they are also not always available. The “chance for the development of fixed drug consumption habits” is therefore low.

In addition, animals cannot afford addictive behavior. Because if they staggered and staggered constantly, they would quickly fall prey to predators, explains the psychiatrist. But why do they then eat toxic substances? “Most animals are curious about how else should they find food when things get tight. They can also come across psychoactive substances,” said Sommer. An addictive behavior that can be equated with that of humans, however, does not occur in the animal kingdom.

Should You Give Vitamins to Your Pets?

Should You Give Vitamins to Your Pets?

A lot of people are taking vitamins or dietary supplements to nourish their body. Then again, some even go to the extent of buying online steroids Canada to boost their health regimen. But did you know that even our pets are given with supplements or vitamins to keep them healthy?

Vitamins for Pets?

The truth is, as many as 1/3 of cats and dogs in the US are receiving supplements or vitamins. A very common option is multivitamins that are supporting arthritic joints as well as fatty acids. This is in an effort to improve the shine of their coat and to reduce shedding. This is in accordance with a study that was published in 2006 in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Pet owners may even give probiotics to their pets as a way to alleviate their gastrointestinal problems or perhaps, antioxidants to be able to counter the signs of aging like cognitive dysfunction. With the growing aging population of overweight dogs, the dog supplement market is forecasted to keep on growing.

What does the Experts Say?

As per veterinary and nutritionists, a lot of their clients are giving their pets nutritional supplements and vitamins to keep them healthy and strong. But the question is, do pets like dogs really need these vitamins? Is it even safe to take? Let us take an in-depth look into it.

Does my pet need vitamins?

Majority of the dogs get a balanced and complete diet including the necessary minerals and vitamins from their dog foods. Dogs that are fed via homemade diet on the other hand might need supplementation. According to research, it is most critical but it must be done in a way that it matches the diet.

You don’t just prepare a meal for your dog and give them vitamins. It should be consulted with a veterinarian. By doing so, you are getting great insight from experts on the right thing you should be doing.

Is there danger in giving vitamins to dogs?

Well, there is a chance. However, if the dog or cat is already eating a balanced and healthy diet and receiving more minerals and vitamins than it should, then that is the time when it can be harmful to their health. This is based on veterinarians and the FDA.

For example, too much calcium for your dog might trigger skeletal problems, particularly in big breeds while an excess vitamin A might harm the blood vessels and could result to joint pain and dehydration. So, learn the perfect balance and you should be good.

How Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutants Affect Our Pet’s Health

Currently, scientists across the globe are now focusing on the negative effects of air pollution on animals, since humans are already experiencing the harmful effects of air pollutants.

Such effects include the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and respiratory symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness of chest, chest pains, and persistent cough. In severe cases, air pollution can cause premature death of individuals belonging to at-risk groups comprising young children, elderly, and those with preexisting cardiovascular diseases.

How Air Pollution Affect Domesticated Animals

It has been revealed by scientific studies that domesticated pets living with owners who smoke are at greater risk of developing respiratory disorders than their owners. Mainly because animal companions spend most of their time on floors.

Findings have also established a correlation between poor animal health and carcinogens from human indoor activities that involve the use of cleaning products, smoking and other emissions. Of particular interest are the carcinogens that cause mesothelioma, lung, bladder, and nasal cancers in dogs.

A published report has shown that pets are also affected negatively by air pollution outside of homes. The researchers studied the brains of dogs found in Mexico City and compared them with dogs from cities that are not as polluted. Their findings revealed that the dogs in Mexico City had increased inflammation in their brains, as evidenced by clumps of protein, a critical sign of Alzheimer’s disease in humans.

Another study was carried out by by researchers from the Schools of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University Cummings and University of Massachusetts. Their study involved 700 dog owners as respondents who replied to questions about pesticide use

Part of the survey results showed that 33% of the dogs owned by the respondents were diagnosed with a form of cancer called canine malignant lymphoma. Their chances of getting lymphoma would go up by 70%,if their owners continue to use pesticides in their yard.

A Study concerning cats on the other hand, showed that one in ten of the subject felines have asthma because of both indoor and outdoor air pollutants. Similar to dogs, cats are also affected when their owners smoke or burn wood fires as the smoke impairs a cat’s lung function.

Ways to Reduce a Pet’s Exposure to Air Pollution

Since domesticated animals usually spend their time in the yard or indoors, the following tips actions can help protect your pet from air pollution:

  • Use air purifiers, or if they are already in use, regularly change the air purifier filters;
  • Frequently vacuum in order to remove indoor air pollutants such as pet hair;
  • Refrain from smoking inside the house;
  • Choose cleaning products and wall paints that have low or no VOC ingredients.
  • Refrain from walking pets in areas with heavy traffic and choose places that are far from roadways, preferably in residential areas and parks;
  • Choose your yard products wisely and always ask for less toxic alternatives for chemical pesticides.

Domestic Animal Care in South Korea

Recently, there has been a rise of pet owners in South Korea as a growing number of Koreans have shown interest in pet welfare. This country has animal laws that particularly focus on the protection of animals in all categories, which Korean citizens must strictly obey.

Animal Protection Act (2017) Article 32 of the Act defines companion animals as cats, rabbits, and dogs only. Both public officials and members of the public must make it their duty to protect animals.

South Korea’s act of animal protection includes minimizing, if not preventing the exposure of domesticated animals to outdoor and indoor pollution. That is why it is normal for Korean homes to have HEPA air purifiers not only for human use, but also for the welfare of their pets. Animal companions after all, are themselves a primary source of indoor air pollutants.

Checkout this Korean consumer website to know the Top 7 air purifier home appliances used by many Korean homes.

Help Aging Dogs Increase Their Adrenosine Levels

As we age in years, we experience a lot of changes in our body and in our daily activities. That’s why we take in supplements like Rocket Man Naturals  to improve our blood circulation and keep us active. Our pet dogs go through the same aging process. And yes, they also need supplements to help them keep up with aging.

Our pets are part of the family that’s why the optimal use of existing treatment options is as important as seeking treatment options for our elder loved ones.

Much like humans, there are advances in diet and general health care intended for our pet dogs. To the same extent, dog owners place higher demands on health care and the quality of life of their four-legged friends.

Noticeable changes among aging dogs

In our society, pets are increasingly seen as “family members” who live in close relationship with their owners. As a result, aging processes in pets are more noticeable.

These processes include increasing inactivity, the loss of house-training, changed sleeping habits and increasing disorientation. Many of these changes develop insidiously or are initially considered “normal” ones.

Signs of aging among dogs are acceptable until they reach an advanced stage when they become increasingly hard to manage. For this reason, it is becoming increasingly important to make full use of the treatment options available to older dogs.

Decrease in Adrenosine among aging dogs

It is known from human medicine that the effect of adenosines can decrease with increasing age. Such a decrease in the effect of adenosine can also contribute to the clinical signs of aging in older dogs.

Drugs that potentiate the effects of adenosine can therefore slow the effects of aging in dogs. This can reduce the problems associated with age with regard to the health and relationship between the owner and the dog.

A strong stimulator of adenosine is the xanthine derivative propentofylline which has been shown to have a broad range of effects on the flow properties of blood, cardiovascular function, cerebral blood flow and the diameter of the airways. The numerous positive pharmacological effects of propentofylline result in an overall profile that makes this active ingredient particularly suitable for the treatment of frequently occurring dysfunctions in geriatric k9 patients.

Adenosine in the aging process and the potentiating effects of propentofylline

As in humans, a decline in the effects of adenosine in dogs can also contribute to the aging symptoms. Can this process be used to alleviate the effects of the aging process?

It is known from human medicine that adenosine receptor function and adenosine effect can decrease in old age . Such a decrease in the effect of adenosine can also contribute to the typical clinical signs of aging in older dogs. These symptoms include circulatory deterioration, poor neuromuscular transmission with muscle weakness and reduced exercise tolerance, and increased platelet aggregation with thrombus formation, as well as neurodegenerative changes.

A potentiation of the adenosine effects therefore appears suitable to alleviate or even stop the effects of the aging process on the health of older dogs. The use of adenosine-potentiating products leads, among other things, to an improvement in the peripheral and central blood flow in older dogs.

The xanthine derivative propentofylline is a powerful stimulator of adenosine and an inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase. It has numerous vascular and non-vascular effects. Propentofylline inhibits the uptake of adenosine in the nerve endings and other cells and leads to an increased extracellular availability of adenosine. In this way, the various positive effects of adenosine can be increased.

By inhibiting cAMP phosphodiesterase, the breakdown of cAMP is inhibited. At the same time, the intracellular cAMP concentration is increased and the ATP level is stabilized. The positive effect of propentofylline on the deformability of the erythrocytes is based on this mechanismand the inhibition of platelet aggregation and bronchodilation. In addition, propentofylline leads to an increased formation of cAMP and cGMP via the stimulating effect of adenosine on the enzyme adenylate cyclase .


Why Hormonal Imbalance is a Serious Health Issue for Dogs

Just like humans, animals, especially domesticated dogs, are prone to hormonal imbalances causing a variety of health issues that are equally troubling. The most common hormone-related disease suffered by canines is hyperadrenocorticism, which when occurring in humans is called Cushing’s Disease.

While hormonal imbalances usually occur in aging dogs, identifying the hormones causing the health issue requires a series of blood sample analysis. Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease in dogs is said to be more complicated to diagnose, because the levels of the hormone glucocorticoids in dogs tend to naturally fluctuate.

Nonetheless, a research study conducted by scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna found out that an analysis of a dog’s hair can indicate if there is excessive secretion of the hormone glucocorticoids in the animal. The results of the study showed that canines suffering from Cushing’s Disease tend to accumulate large amounts of glucocorticoids in their hair or fur. In such cases, they are outwardly exhibited as noticeable changes in the distribution, thickness or consistency of hair in the dog’s coat.

Dr. Claudia Ouschan, the lead author of the study wrote that analyzing the glucocorticoid concentrations in a dog’s hair presents a less distressing method of diagnosing Cushing’s Disease in the animal.

What Exactly is Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease?

Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease is a condition in which the adrenal gland produces excessive amounts of the hormone, glucocorticoids. It’s an anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-derived hormone that is synthesized by the adrenal gland. Glucocorticoids are distributed in all tissues for the purpose of controlling metabolism in fat cells, muscles, liver and bone. However, excessive or low levels of glucocorticoids can affect the brain in ways that influence behavior, sleep-wakefulness cycles and mood.

What Causes Excessive Glucocorticoid Secretion?

While excessive glucocorticoids secretion in dogs is common, most cases that develop into Cushing’s Disease is a result of a tumor in the pituitary gland or the glucocorticoid-producing adrenal gland itself.

In humans, Cushing’s Disease has been linked to overeating and excessive intakes of alcoholic beverages. The most common symptoms of the disorder include: loss of hair, a pot-bellied appearance, mood swings, weak muscles, increased fat around the neck and shoulders, easy bruising and appearances of purplish stretch marks in the abdomen, breasts, under the arms and hip areas.

Treatment of Hormonal Imbalances in Animals and Humans

Veterinarians give advice that the moment you find clumps of fur lying around, while dog incessantly, scratches, licks or chews his or her coat, these are reactions to irritations caused by hormonal imbalances. As such symptoms can affect your dog’s appetite and activity level, it would be best to immediately bring your pet to an animal clinic.

While the symptoms may not always be a result of Cushing’s Disease or other types of hormonal imbalance, proper diagnosis of such symptoms is of utmost importance. That way, your pet will be administered with the appropriate treatment as early as possible.

While treatment in humans would include hormonal therapy, the physician will likewise order a patient to stop the excessive eating and drinking behaviors, as well as follow a specific nutritional diet. Most patients tend to encounter difficulty in managing the behavioral and dietary changes, but many discovered a program known as Metabolic Renewal that helped them address and manage their hormonal imbalance issues.

Metabolic renewal program is actually a 12-week plan of eating a set of metabolic meals developed to specifically and effectively address a participant’s hormonal imbalance problems as a result of unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits. The program is professionally administered by Dr. Jade Teta, a physician who specializes in natural health, body fitness and body transformation through the Naturopathic Health Clinic of North Carolina that he co-founded.

Overview and Examples of Animal Care Laws in Spain

Pet ownership in Spain is a serious matter as Spanish citizens, expats and immigrants alike must abide with the country’s strict laws on animal care management. While all countries have animal welfare and protection laws in place, Spain has some unique legal policies pertaining to pet care management. If in case, you have plans of moving to Spain whist bringing your pet along to live with you, it’s important to have awareness of such laws.

Under the guidance of European Union laws for animal care and protection, animals are sentient beings. However, wild animals including those in captivity and used for hunting are exempted. The bulls in Spain’s bullfighting rings are included among the exceptions.

Basically, animal care laws in the country require owners of companion animals to not mistreat their pets, or expose them to unnecessary danger; as well as make sure that the animals in one’s care will not pose as threats to the safety and well being of the general public.

Examples of Animal Care Management Laws in Spain

Some laws governing animal care management are incorporated in other Spanish legislation such as the “Ley de Propiedad Horizontal’ (Horizontal Property Law). In this law people residing in common living areas, including apartments and private estates, are protected against illegal, unhealthy, dangerous acts and disturbances.

1.  This law also gives building owners the right not to allow animals in their premises, even if to be kept inside homes or kept on a leash. Such prohibitions must be stated in the Statutes of the Residents Association. Otherwise, the absence of any provision prohibiting animals in the building and its surroundings will be taken to mean that pets are allowed.

However, despite the absence of prohibitions, pet owners must ensure that they practice proper animal care to make sure their pets do not pose as risks to healthy, safe and peaceful living.

2  Pets that are constantly loud and causing ruckus can be considered as committing acts of disturbances in residential areas.

3.  Animals infested with ticks, fleas or any type of parasite, whilst smelling bad for lack of proper care may be taken away from their owners. Such conditions are not only dangerous to a community but is also a form of animal mistreatment.

4.  Pet owners taking medication or supplements must make sure to keep drugs out of reach of pets to avoid poisoning the animal. Even vitamins or weigh-loss supplements that are usually made from natural or organic materials are unsafe as far as animals are cdoncerned.

A fat burning supplement like Reduslim España may be marketed as safe because the medicine has no resulting side effects. However, not all organic components of this weight-loss supplement have been tested as safe for animals.

5.  Where dogs are allowed to romp and roam around freely inside a garden area, you are required to put a “Beware of the Dog” sign as warning to whoever will be coming over to your house.

6. When bringing one’s dog in public places, in addition to keeping the animal in a leash, you must also be prepared to cleaning after any waste or mess made by your pet.

7.  Spanish laws require providing a suitable accommodation. While pets may like staying on terraces or someplace outside the house, leaving them outside for an extended period of time is against the law.

8.  The law also requires keeping animals up to date with vaccination shots, as well as receive periodic medical checkups to make sure they are free from any disease.

9.  If in case you are caring for an animal generally regarded as dangerous, it is your duty to register the animal in the ‘Registro de Animales Potencialmente Peligrosos’ in the registry of the municipality in which you and your pet reside. Registration includes submitting a photo of your photo as owner and that of your pet.

While these are only examples of Spain’s legal requirements for animal care management, be in the know of other animal welfare laws enforced by the autonomous regions of the country.

Improve Your Dog’s Health Conditions With Red Light Therapy

Our cats and dogs, just like any member of the family, can feel body pains. While they are able to speak their minds, as a dog or cat parent, you know first hand what they’re going through. But you don’t have to suffer because you can relieve their suffering by through the best red light therapy device by Solbasium.

What is red light therapy?

Red light therapy or RLT is a non-invasive non-chemical therapy. The RLT makes use of a laser that emits a red light at low level wavelengths that can treat many conditions. The RLT device when used produces a beneficial effect on the body that can improve general health. It strengthens the mitochondria, the cell’s energy factories. When the body has more energy, cells can function more effectively and are able to repair themselves.

What health conditions in our pets can be treated by red light therapy?

Veterinarians have been using the red light therapy device for many years to treat many conditions in dogs, cats, horses, cows, and other animals with poor health conditions.

These include conditions such as muscle pain, wounds and injuries, rashes, infections, inflammation, strains, post surgery, and others.

There’s also an increasing evidence that shows red light therapy can treat arthritis among aged animals.

Red light therapy has also been used to maintain the health of many animals contributing tedious work in agriculture.

How to use red light therapy?

The red light therapy device is used externally. Plug in the device to a power source and allow the red light to come to its full power. Expose your pet to the device so that their skin will absorb the red light. If you just received your device from the manufacturer, read the instructions carefully as to the amount of time you can expose your pet to the RLT device.

To summarize, while red light therapy had been said to be effective for many of your pet’s health conditions, it is still always wise to consult with your veterinarian before anything else.

How Hormones Like Testosterone Impact Dog Behavior?

Hormones are produced in the body by organs and glands. Think of thyroid, adrenal gland, gonads and intestines. Hormones affect how a person looks, how the body functions, emotions and behavior. This explains why many men take testosterone booster to improve the way they look.

In this article, we look at the influence of different hormones and neurotransmitters on your dog’s behavior.

Hormones and Dog behavior

Behavior is influenced by many aspects. Think of genetic predisposition, learning experiences and environment. So it’s not that simple that you just have to look at the hormone system to understand behavior, but hormones play a major role, in addition to all other aspects, for your dog and yourself. This works the same way with all mammals. Hormones influence how someone feels and that is reflected in behavior. Hormones and behavior are therefore inextricably linked.

There are many more hormones than we describe in this article, we take a closer look at the best known.

1. Adrenaline triggers action

Adrenaline is a stress hormone and is released in situations that are (life) threatening, it is necessary for survival. What does a dog do in a sudden, threatening situation? A dog in distress that has entered a survival mode will either flee (flight) or attack (fight). When a dog experiences too much pressure and tension, there is chronic stress. Too much adrenaline has a negative impact on a dog’s health.

2. Cortisol gives tension

Cortisol has many useful functions, but it is best known as ‘the’ stress hormone. Stress is not necessarily a negative thing. Stress is necessary to survive and make you alert. However, when too many stress moments (fun and annoying) take place in succession, the stress accumulates and it becomes too much. Dogs that experience (or have experienced) a lot of stress have a short fuse and sometimes seem to show aggressive behavior out of the blue. They are clearly irritable and moody.

3. Dopamine Rewards

Dopamine is part of the reward system in the brain. It is the substance that makes you feel good, it is also called the happiness hormone. Dopamine is, as it were, the motor behind intrinsic motivation. In the dog it is mainly linked to his ‘olfactory system’ or sniffing and its rewarding effect.

4. Endorphins Soothes

Endorphins are produced during physical exertion and pain. Endorphins are primarily analgesic and together with dopamine they are partly responsible for the feeling of happiness. A dog produces endorphins during physical exertion, play, food and sexual intercourse.

5. Oxytocin Loves

Oxytocin is also known as the cuddle hormone. It is a hormone that is produced during social contact such as looking, touching, hugging, grooming and sex. In a mother dog, this hormone also plays a role in childbirth, suckling and taking care of the puppies.

6. Serotonin gives a boost

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has a positive effect on your mood. Serotonin also helps against depressive feelings. When serotonin levels are too low, a dog experiences negative feelings. Worry, irritation, sadness and in the long run depression and anxiety.

7. Testosterone dares

Testosterone is perhaps the best known of all. It is often associated with macho behavior and sexuality. It is mainly known as the male hormone, but women also produce testosterone, although to a lesser extent.

Testosterone is more than just a macho hormone. The body desperately needs it to be able to develop in a healthy way. Without testosterone, we would have brittle bones and flabby muscles. A lack of testosterone can also cause concentration problems and depression. This in turn has an effect on behavior.

Testosterone stimulates the sex drive in males and females. Testosterone also makes a dog confident. Is a dog insecure and therefore aggressive towards other dogs? Then it will not help to castrate this dog , because that will make him even more insecure.

8. Estrogen Rocks

Estrogens are known as quintessentially female hormones because they play an important role in the development of the reproductive organs and female body characteristics in women. But the male body also produces this hormone in small quantities.

Obviously, these hormones influence all behavior related to reproduction. During a bitch’s cycle, estrogen levels change and emotions and behavior change with it. During the fertile period, estrogen levels are highest. A bitch can then behave differently than normal; irritable, withdrawn or restless. This differs per bitch. A male can detect when a bitch has a high estrogen level, so this indirectly influences his behavior.

What To Look For When Choosing Dog Beds For Your Furry Baby

Having a good dog bed is very important. That’s why many of us choose to get adjustable beds to provide us with utmost comfort for a good night of sleep. Your dog needs one too. A dog bed is recommended, so that your four-legged friend can enjoy a good night’s sleep or afternoon nap. In this article we discuss the importance of a dog bed and what to look for when choosing.

What is the importance of a dog bed?

A dog sleeps and lies a lot and does this everywhere. Dog baskets provide extra support for your dog, so they don’t have to lie on a cold surface. In the summer this is of course nice, but as soon as it gets colder it can be bad for your dog.

A dog bed also prevents painful lying areas and also ensures that your dog gets a better rest. The fine surface allows dogs to really relax. This is important, because just like humans, your dog only really recovers during sleep. The more comfort the better. A soft pillow protects the joints and thus guarantees a good night’s sleep and recovery.

A good dog bed also ensures that your furniture is spared. Dogs often have a hand (paw) to jump on benches and chairs to rest here. As soon as they have the option of a comfortable dog bed, this will prevent your furniture from getting covered in hair and that it will last longer.

You should pay attention to this when choosing a dog bed

In general, your dog will sleep well on any dog ​​bed. However, there may be things that you want to take into account when making your choice. For example, does your dog have a tendency to bite into everything he gets his hands on? Then it might be wise to pay attention to the filling. Before you know it, your whole living room will be covered in fluff when he gets to it. The same goes for the fabric. With an ‘enthusiastic’ dog it is wiser to choose a firmer fabric than with a calm dog.

Does your dog play in the mud a lot? Then it is also useful to have a waterproof cover for your dog bed. This way you don’t have to throw the basket away after two uses. In this case it is also better to opt for a removable cover. For example, you can put it in the laundry every week. This is recommended anyway, because with dogs you never know what they are up to and that is how it should be.

How big should a dog bed be?

Dogs generally like to have plenty of room, so for some, the bigger, the better. However, this also depends on the space you have in your home or utility room. The smallest dogs generally have enough space when your dog bed is about 40 x 30 centimeters. Larger dogs such as a Beagle can often manage with a basket of 70 x 50 centimeters and for the largest dogs, depending on the size, a minimum size of 100 x 70 centimeters applies. Of course there are exceptions per type, because you can of course imagine that the largest dogs are still difficult even at 100 x 70. Fortunately, there are of course the real XL dog baskets for that.

What does your dog want?

It is also wise to pay attention to the characteristics of your dog. For example, some dogs like to turn a lot. In this case, a low dog bed with plenty of space is recommended. Other dogs like to lie against something, a dog bed with an elevation is nice in this case. Pay close attention to your dog’s behavior when determining the best dog bed.

Does your dog have little hair? Then a fabric is nice for the colder nights in particular. Especially when the surface of your floor is also cold. Dogs with a lot of hair prefer a colder surface, so a dog bed with a warm fabric is often too hot in this case.

Keeping Your Pets Safe From Accidentally Taking Human Medications

Many dog owners who take prescription medication overlook the fact that animals are just as curious as children about anything that looks like food to them; particularly the bright-colored candy coated medicines.

The keep-medicines-out-of-reach rule should also apply to pets as there have been cases of dogs that got hold of medications. The most serious incidents are those that involved controlled substances. In case a pet ingested any form of medication, it is imperative to immediately bring the animal to a veterinary or to the local ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.

In the meantime, pay heed to the following recommendations on how to keep your pets safe animals from the harms of accidentally ingesting medicines.

1.  Bottled medications must still be kept out of a dog’s reach as they are capable of chewing the cover to get hold of the medicine that human companions pop in their mouth.

2.  In case you drop or spill some medications on the floor, pick them up immediately or wipe the floor clean. Also be sure to account for all pills to make sure your pet won’t be picking up one or more pills you might have missed..

3.  Be sure to segregate storages in which to keep human and animal medications to prevent mix ups. If you have more than one type of pet, storing their medicines separately is likewise recommended. Animal medications tend to differ in formulation and dosage, and the effect could be fatally toxic when taken by a species that have low tolerance for the medicinal ingredients.

4.  Keep medicinal patches such as nicotine patches and fentanyl patches out of reach of pets, including the used ones, as they may still contain some of medication.

5.  Don’t let pets lick your skin if you have just applied a topical nonsteroidal ointment, sports liniments or fluorouracil topical cream.

5.  Over-the-counter medications, including weight loss supplements, may seem harmless because they are safe forms of medication for humans. However, that is not the case some pills may contain ingredients that can be fatally toxic to pets.

6.  When buying medicines online, make sure that someone responsible will be around to receive and store them properly upon delivery. Some Type IV controlled substances like carisoprodol (a.k.a. Soma), can now be bought online because they are not as potent and addictive as the higher grades of pain relievers. However, aside from making sure that you are buying carisoprodol from the best online pharmacy to buy soma, give specific instructions in case there are animals or kids in the vicinity who tamper with unattended delivery packages.

Case Problem Proving Toxicity of Soma on Dogs

In Australia, one recorded case of Soma poisoning involving a dog proved the toxicity of carisoprodol on animals. The dog, which was a 13-year old spayed Australian shepherd accidentally ingested about 15 Soma tablets being taken by her owner for back pains. The animal was immediately brought to the hospital, but still went into respiratory depression and seizures, and later became comatose for an hour. Fortunately, the dog was immediately brought to the hospital to receive treatment and supportive care that it was discharged by the hospital after 4 days.

Important Info About Steroids If Prescribed as Treatment for Your Pet

When researching medicines prescribed for our animals, the term “steroids” can easily send alarm bells ringing, as it’s widely known as a dangerous drug.

While steroids refer to chemicals that have been synthesized to mimic some hormones if the body cannot produce them naturally, not all “steroids” are linked to dangerous drugs. Steroids are man-made medicines aimed at helping cells, tissues, and body organs function properly due to hormone imbalance. 

There are two main types of steroid medication: corticosteroids and anabolics a.k.a. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids or AAS for short. By knowing the difference between these two, you will understand which steroid is potentially dangerous as medication for you or your pet.

What are Corticosteroids and When are They Prescribed as Treatments?

Corticosteroids are a class of synthetic drugs recommended as treatment to help boost the production of cortisone hormones produced by the adrenal glands. As a medicine, corticosteroids enable the body to respond to a wide range of normal activities such as immunity response, stress response, nutrient metabolism, maintenance of blood electrolyte levels, and in addressing occurrences of internal inflammation.

Corticosteroids are prescribed to balance a body’s cortisone hormone level, hormonal imbalances are manifested by inflammations. During treatment for hormonal imbalance, the body system reacting to the treatment will stop producing substances that can further cause inflammation in the tissues of the organs affected.

Caring for Pets that Receive Steroid Medications

While most animals can tolerate corticosteroids as medications, there are guidelines that pet owners must follow to ensure their safety:

Corticosteroid protocols require daily dosage only during the initial phase of treatment, usually for a life-threatening disease.

Although most dogs have exhibited tolerance for corticosteroids, some canines experience itching or pain. If so, it would be best to inform the veterinarian, as he may recommend an alternative treatment; or prescribe a medication that will act as a stomach protectant.

If your dog requires corticosteroid usage as long-term treatment (3 to 4 months), your pet’s condition should regularly be evaluated. That way, the veterinarian will know if other treatment options can be prescribed.

The key takeaway is to work closely with the veterinarian to ensure that the corticosteroid is safely administered.

What are Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Why Its Use is Being Abused

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are also chemical-based drugs designed to increase male testosterone hormones produced by the gonads in the male testes. While the adrenal glands also produce testosterone hormones, they can only produce at low levels.

Yet AAS as a medical treatment is no longer widely supported and only in extreme cases. Mainly because medical researchers have collected scientific data that show synthetically produced testosterone hormones can adversely affect other naturally occurring hormones; including those that promote sperm production.

While AAS gained notoriety as androgenic drugs used to enhance the strength, endurance, and muscle-building ability of many athletes, it has become illegal to use or buy AAS without a proper medical prescription.

As an alternative to medically prescribed AAS, and for use in building muscles, there are pharma grade steroids in Canada (steroids Canada) developed for pharmaceutical companies. Still, pharma grade steroids are not readily accessible as they have to be purchased only from authorized pharmaceutical firms or sellers.

The WHO Highlights the Health Benefits of Caring for A Pet

Public health experts agree that having a pet to care for can be beneficial to humans not only in terms of companionship but also in improving human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) for one, encourages pet ownership because of the health benefits it brings.

Taking care of a pet increases opportunities for staying active, since caring not only entails feeding and providing a clean shelter. Playing and regularly walking a dog, gives pet adopters reasons to be physically active, especially among individuals who do not engage in regular exercise regimens.

While some women try to lose weight by taking appetite suppressants, they tend to achieve only minimal improvements because they can’t get themselves to exercise regularly. A Fat burner that make your body slim and fit will not work well either. Not unless you engage in some form of regular physical activity that will trigger the fat burning processes carried out by the components of a fat burner supplement.

Having a dog to take out for a walk will provide both you and your animal the exercise you need, especially if you are into taking a fat burner supplement.

The Who Highlights the Health Benefits of Caring for a Pet Animal

While not all animals need to go out with their human companions, WHO health experts say that even simple activities like playing with, and providing the basic needs of a pet can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The WHO also cited studies that show how animal companionship helped in addressing loneliness, a common cause for feelings of depression.

The bond formed between a pet parent and his or her animal, creates feelings of inner happiness and relaxation, which can reduce hypertension. Regular walks present opportunities to go outside and in most cases, to socialize with other pet owners or animal lovers.

Other aspects of physical activities related to caring for animals include bathing and grooming one’s pet, as well as cleaning after the occasional messes they make. While this seems to be the downside to caring part, the experience is no less different from the things parents do in order to raise a healthy and happy child. The difference however is that with animals, parents have to be rather strict in imposing pet cleanliness and hygiene, because animals are contractors and carriers of zoonotic diseases.

What to Do to Keep Pets Healthy

Make sure to provide your pet with a proper diet, as some breeds may require different nutrients in order to keep them active, healthy and happy. Also, have awareness about human food or supplements that can cause allergic reactions to animals and be sure to keep them stored in places where the animal cannot access or reach them. Deworming and keeping a pet animal free from lice and ticks are important actions to take in order to the pet parents’ home environment clean and hygienic.

In case your pet appears listless and disoriented, as well as showing symptoms of a disorder such as vomiting and diarrhea, have it examined by a veterinarian. Keep in mind that in keeping your pet healthy, you are also making sure that you are keeping yourself and other family members healthy as well.

Can Dogs And Other Animals Eat Mushrooms?

Can Dogs And Other Animals Eat Mushrooms?

Mushrooms are not only an ingredient in many delicious recipes, they also contain many healthy active ingredients that have positive effects on the health of humans and animals. So-called medicinal mushrooms or medicinal mushrooms have been used for their healing effects for thousands of years. As a new superfood for dogs, the Asian medicinal mushroom trend is also popular here.

Mushrooms for dogs

Mushrooms for dogs?

Mushrooms actually consist of a huge, underground network called the mycelium. The root-like plexuses can be huge and very old. They form small, fleshy fruit bodies, which we know as mushrooms from the forest or supermarket. The part of the fungus that can be seen above the ground is relatively small and is less than 10% of the total subterranean fungus.

Fungi have to constantly defend themselves against their environment and have therefore developed a very efficient immune system. The cells of a fungus are able to absorb and break down natural substances. That is why they have a very valuable, detoxifying effect on humans and animals such as dogs and cats. At the same time, however, they are also very sensitive to environmental pollution and radiation.

Mushrooms offered at contain many important nutrients, unique antioxidants, as well as probiotics and digestive enzymes. They have a high content of L-ergothioneine, selenium, and beta-glucans.

Unique antioxidants in mushrooms

Antioxidants are biologically active plant substances that support the body and the immune system in fighting off free radicals. They protect the dog’s body and cells, especially the eyes, liver, kidneys, and red blood cells, from oxidative stress. This oxidative stress is constantly created by all sorts of environmental toxins such as exhaust gases and can accelerate cell aging. With the help of antioxidants, the cells can fight this stress and age more slowly.

The unique antioxidants of mushrooms are found exclusively in the mushroom fruiting bodies and in the mycelium. They can work throughout the body and the mitochondria in the cell nuclei of dogs. L-ergothioneine is a sulfur-containing protein that is only synthesized by fungi and mycobacteria in the soil.

The L-ergothioneine stays in the body much longer than other antioxidants. Because of this, it is able to better protect the dog’s cells from free radical damage.

Are Supplements for Humans and Pets are Safe?

Are Supplements for Humans and Pets are Safe?

There are millions of people worldwide who are taking dietary supplements some even allot their time to read comprehensive HGH full review found at RFT and several other stuff. While it is quite tempting to quickly belief claims that these supplements can help prevent diseases or even cure it, as a consumer, it’s your responsibility to get the facts first.

What’s with Supplements?

Above everything else, dietary supplements are constantly regulated regardless if it will be used for humans or for pets. Unlike drugs though, dietary supplements don’t need US FDA to thoroughly review the effectiveness, quality or even safety of the product before it is marketed. The result is, FDA has a bit of control towards the supplements for sale in the market.

The truth is, while several drug manufacturers should prove that the drugs are effective and safe long before it’s marketed and sold, they should prove first that it is unsafe. With thousands upon thousands of new supplements released in the market, it seems to be unrealistic for the FDA to keep up with the process. This keeps the quality control, effectiveness and the safety of dietary supplements in question.

Safety, Quality and Effectiveness

Despite the fact that supplements are deemed safe because they’re branded as “natural”, this isn’t always the case. Pets and humans may get sick or worst case scenario, die due to improper intake of dietary supplements. Even though the supplement is proven safe for human consumption, the same can’t be said for pets that have a completely different metabolism.

Let us just say that quality control and safety of the supplement isn’t the issue here, the next concern would be the effectiveness it carries. Majority of the pet supplements are actually used based on anecdote, data or theory from other species.

In reality, there are only few studies that are properly conducted. Without a doubt, there are more studies needed in this subject in an effort to find out which among the supplements are actually beneficial and which is only just a waste of money.

What about Pets and Animals?

Given the different concerns mentioned, it is vital to carefully think of whether your pet indeed needs supplement or not. Among pets, the most common given are joint supplements, fatty acids and multivitamins.

Unless of course has nutritionally unbalanced diet, then giving them multivitamins may not be necessary. Truth is, giving mineral supplements or vitamins to pets with balanced diet may be counterproductive and jeopardize their health for toxicity.

Balanced and complete pet foods are designed to provide adequate amount of nutrition to pets and adding more to the formula may bring harm than good. In this regard, it is best to leave it to product’s formulation and give vitamins only when instructed.

Dog Basket For Your Dog When Riding Bikes

As a dog parent, you would need a good ride for vet visits. It doesn’t have to be a car but you can invest in a good bike. Consider also getting maintenance bike stands to keep your bike in its best shape whenever needed.

There are a variety of ways to transport the dog by bike. There is the right bike with the right transport box or trailer for every dog-human team. The choice depends on the size and weight of the dog. But the local conditions are also important to consider. Do you drive short distances with your dog to the dog school, to the vet, or especially through the city?

Bike Dog Baskets Better Than Pet Trailers

Basket On The Bicycle Handlebar

This transport option is suitable for small, light dogs up to approximately 5kgs. Anyone who has such a “dwarf” has hardly any problems taking him with a normal bicycle. Bicycle baskets come in many shapes and sizes. Special dog bike baskets are also equipped with a mesh cover so that the dog cannot jump out or fall out while driving. Some dog bike baskets that attach to the front of the handlebar are made of fabric. They are much lighter than those made of wicker and metal. Small dogs in particular cannot get their paws caught in a grid. A disadvantage of a basket on the handlebar, however, is that all movements of the dog have a direct effect on the handlebars and thus on the handling of the bike.

If the dog weighs only 2kg, you hardly notice it as a driver. But when the dog is closer to the 5kg limit, it can become uncomfortably spongy when steering. However, some cyclists quickly get used to the extra weight on the handlebars. Just try it out with an object that has roughly the same weight as your own dog. If this basket variant is a suitable option for you and your dog, you should also consider equipping your bike with a two-legged bike rack. Due to the weight on the handlebars, the bike tends to fall over. With a secure two-legged bicycle stand, you can lift your dog out of the basket without having to hold the bike at the same time.

Basket on the Bike’s Rear Rack

A conventional luggage rack can theoretically be loaded with up to 25kg. Since the center of gravity of a load is very high on a normal rear wheel, I find that 25kg is way too much for safe driving. In addition, very few people want to (and can) lift their 25kg dog to rack height. I would therefore recommend the rear luggage rack as a transport variant for dogs up to approx. 15kg. Since the rider’s weight is already heavy on the rear wheel, additional weight on the luggage rack is not unfamiliar at first. As with the front luggage rack, you have to choose a suitable box or basket. However, the larger the box for the dog, the more the driving behavior is influenced, as the dog can shift its weight from side to side.

If your dog rides calmly and relaxed in the basket, this will certainly be less of a problem for you. In any case, I would recommend that you test this transport variant with a heavy object. In this way, you can practice dealing with the new riding behavior of your bike before you slowly get your dog used to the basket. Since your dog is behind you while driving and you cannot always keep an eye on him, a lattice lid on the box or basket is definitely recommended. You should also make sure that the bike is stable when you park it, for example with a two-legged bike stand. There are many dog ​​models made of willow with a wire mesh for classic luggage racks. They usually already have a special bracket for attaching them to the luggage rack and are available in various sizes

There are other options for transport boxes. It doesn’t always have to be a basket or attached to the rear or the front of the bike. There’s a lot of choices, just let your creativity run wild. Regardless of your choice, it will all boil down to your dog size, weight, and comfort.

Caring For Epileptic Dogs Require Regular Visits To The Vet

Taking care of an epileptic dog is easy. Your aim would be to give your fur baby a comfortable life while dealing with the illness. It is the best option to prevent the health of your furry friends from deteriorating as the disease progresses.

How is epilepsy in dogs diagnosed?

Epilepsy progresses in the animal’s body without you even knowing it. The disease can only be diagnosed when the first crisis appears. Dogs may have seizures between the ages of 6 months to 5 years. If your dog has a seizure, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Early diagnosis is important for optimizing care for dogs with epileptic.

What if your dog has epilepsy?

Epilepsy is not a fatal illness, but frequent seizures can adversely affect a dog’s health. As a dog parent, there are several ways you can help your fur baby deal with epilepsy.

1. Regular visits to the veterinarian

Visiting a veterinarian is the best preventive measure for all illnesses. Dogs with epilepsy should be tested every 6 months to check for disease progression. The frequency and intensity of seizures are critical to animal health.

It is also important to have him do a blood test twice a year. Especially dogs given phenobarbital. High levels of this anticonvulsant in the blood can cause obesity and liver damage.

2. Appropriate medicine

It is best not to give our animals a lot of medicine. However, dogs with epilepsy need medications that help keep their body in balance.

Seizures are a major problem for affected dogs, especially if they occur frequently. Drug treatment reduces the frequency and intensity of seizures and protects the animal.

3. Avoid stress

Epilepsy has been shown to be emotionally related. People and animals with epilepsy who live in stressful environments tend to suffer from seizures.

The owner’s temperament is crucial to the dog’s behavior. Owners must then first change their lifestyles to reduce animal stress. Although a change of lifestyle cannot fight genetic heredity, it can, however, reduce the incidence of seizure attacks.

4. Basic precautions

Vaccines and pesticides are the basics to ensure the well-being of animals.

Right nutrition and exercise (physical activities) are very important to strengthen their immune system. Also, these factors help maintain a good metabolism and prevent other diseases that may cause harm to your dog.

5. Know how to react in the face of epileptic seizures

Treatment of epilepsy reduces seizures but does not eliminate the risk of seizures. Therefore, it is imperative that the owner be ready to help the dog.

What do you do when your dog has a seizure?

  1. Act calmly and rationally.
  2. Place the animal on a flat, stable surface to prevent it from falling and injuring. It can be placed on a pillow or mattress.
  3. Do not stick your dog’s tongue out or put your hand in your dog’s mouth. Animals can bite their tongue on their own or unknowingly harm people.
  4. If your veterinarian is prescribing anticonvulsants, follow the instructions.
  5. Heal the dog when the attack is over. Make room for him to breathe and regain his senses.

Healthy foods for your dog

Healthy foods for your dog

Everyone who loves their dog wants to offer them the best possible conditions for long, vital life. In addition to a lot of care and exercise, this includes above all a species-appropriate, full-fledged diet. The fact that the industrially produced and advertised pet food is not as high-quality as we are told is already being talked about. But which foods are really good for our dogs? Humans and animals need a healthy diet and exercise. If you are looking for a fat burner for women, Checkout full review at LA Weekly.

Lean meat as a protein supplier

The first healthy food is lean meat. Meat is the number one staple for the dog. It is high in protein and is digested at 98%. In addition to poultry and beef, pork is also recommended. It is a good supplier of the important vitamin B1. Please note, however, that pork in particular must be cooked well, otherwise infection with the Aujeszky virus cannot be ruled out.

Liver provides trace elements and vitamins

In small amounts, the liver of chicken, turkey, beef, and pork is highly recommended. It is also high in protein and easily digestible. It provides our four-legged friend with many trace elements, biotin, and vitamins A, B12 and B2.


Most dogs love fish. Salmon is particularly noteworthy for its high proportion of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is high in protein and also high in fat. It should be noted that it should only be fed cooked to disable enzymes that break vitamin B1 and to destroy any bacteria and parasite intermediate forms.


Eggs are a very high-quality food due to the excellent quality of the protein it contains. The content of essential amino acids and fatty acids has a positive effect on the gloss of fur. Since the biotin killer avidin present in the raw egg clear is deactivated by heating, eggs should only be mixed in boiled form for food. However, the relatively high-fat content must be taken into account.

Quark and cottage cheese

These dairy products have a high protein quality and are important suppliers of calcium. Due to the low lactose content, they are also well-tolerated in larger quantities. In the lean stage, they are also ideally suited for dieting.

Carrots provide the dog with provitamin A

Although they are low in protein, they contain a lot of provitamin A. They are generally accepted by dogs. You can feed them both raw and cooked to your dog. It is important to puree them finely and feed them together with fatty meat or fish to increase the bioavailability of the vital substances.


Broccoli is a very healthy food not only for humans but also for the dog. In addition to many vitamins and phytonutrients, broccoli with sulforaphan emits a substance that stimulates the production of anti-cancer enzymes. Since sulforaphan also inhibits enzymes involved in the development of arthritis, broccoli should be regularly on the menu in dogs with joint problems. The vegetables should only be fed steamed and finely pureed so that it loses the bloating effect.

Oatmeal provides fiber

Although cereals should only be given in very small quantities, oatmeal is allowed. They are also relatively rich in protein and contain fiber. However, they may only be mixed cooked under the meat to ensure good digestibility.

Support Battle vs. Animal Testing by Buying Cruelty-Free Cosmetic Brands

Studies of potential drugs to slow or reverse the aging process usually involve testing on animals in order to prove the effectiveness of anti-aging elements. While the practice is acceptable the animal testing methods have raised concerns, particularly if used by cosmetic manufacturers. In the UK and in European Union countries, animal testing of cosmetics and skincare products is strictly prohibited, in light of ethical concerns over animal welfare. Foreign brands can sell, as well as advertise their cosmetics, including anti-ageing treatments, only if they are certified as cruelty-free.

Although animal testing and experiments are not prohibited in the U.S., guidelines for the Validation of Alternative Methods were set up by the Interagency Coordinating Committee in 1997. The initiative aims to promote the use of various alternative methods to animal testing based on 3 guiding principles, “Refinement, Reduction and Replacement,” also known as the 3Rs.

Global Support for Alternative Methods of Testing

Aside from supporting the battle against cruelty to animals, global support for alternative methods of testing has since grown because non-use of animals has been proven as less costly and less time-consuming.

Moreover, where cosmetic products are concerned, the differences in the structures and immune responses between human and animal skin, make animal experiments less reliable. The results of animal testing cannot be regarded as totally reflective of testing results based on human skin applications.

That being the case, several countries, like Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, and Guatemala, as well as the states of California, Illinois, and Nevada in the U.S., have promulgated laws prohibiting the use of animal testing on cosmetic products.

Besides, the EU Commission and the UK not only prohibit animal testing on cosmetic products. The sale or promotion of foreign brands of cosmetics in EU member countries and in the UK is also not allowed unless their products are certified as cruelty-free. The certification denotes that no animal was involved in the scientific research and testing of their cosmetics.

Citing Crepe Erase as an Example of Cruelty-Free Brand of Skincare Products

Crepe Erase, the manufacturer of a leading brand of skin rejuvenating skincare systems, with a particular focus on treatments for loose and crepey skin, is a California-based company.

Popular for its anti-aging products, the company is a certified cruelty-free manufacturer of age-defying treatments as all its products make use of a patented, proprietary formula known as TruFirm® Complex. The TruFirm® formula consists mainly of phytonutrients provided by shea butter, cocoa butter, and cassava extract, as well as Vitamin E, beeswax, and anti-aging hydration oils.

Numerous crepe erase reviews attest to the efficiency of the anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments of Crepe Erase, as the company has tested its products using sophisticated vitro methods applied on human tissues and cells while aided by advanced computer modeling techniques. As a matter of fact, proponents of cruelty-free cosmetics include Crepe Erase in their list of “Cruelty-Free Brands List of Cosmetics.”
