Benefits Of Chiropractic For Animals

Chiropractic is a manual and scientifically based technique for treating functional disorders of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system.

Disturbances in these areas can seriously impair the nervous system and lead to acute symptoms in the long term. As a rule, these remain unnoticed at first, as the body can compensate for limitations in mobility for a certain period of time.

The aim of Dr Steven Becker chiropractor Los Angeles is to localize such functional disorders and blockages in the body especially in the spine to find out their causes and subsequently to treat them sustainably. Instead of merely containing superficial symptoms of illness, chiropractic offers a way to permanent healing.

Of course, certain symptoms can also be an expression of diseases that do not fall into the chiropractic area. It is therefore important to always have the treatment carried out by a trained veterinarian. It recognizes whether your animal actually needs chiropractic or conventional medical treatment.

Application areas of chiropractic for animals

  • Arthrosis
  • Existing irreversible changes
  • Spondylosis
  • Spinal column trauma and much more

Possible symptoms for blockages in small animals

  • Expressions of pain with certain movements or when lifting
  • Unspecific lameness
  • Restricted performance
  • Reluctance to move
  • Unwillingness to climb stairs or jump to elevated places
  • Lick eczema on legs or paws
  • Recurring ear or anal gland infections

The most common causes

  • Age and performance
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Anaesthesia
  • Transport
  • Trauma

Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary medicine

Chiropractic represents a useful addition to the treatment of numerous symptoms of mechanical origin.

If chiropractors diagnose a blockage, they carry out the correction with a quick impulse with the hands or fingers directly on the vertebral body or on the corresponding vertebral processes. With the right technique and precise knowledge of the respective anatomy, vertebrae can be manipulated easily and with little effort even with large muscle masses without overstretching the ligamentous apparatus.

The question of the frequency of treatment has to be answered individually for each animal. Animals with acute problems generally respond more quickly to treatment than those with chronic complaints. In most cases, however, the animals require several sessions until they restore full mobility of the spine. The muscles and ligaments should be able to function properly again. The symptoms must subside have completely.

In young animals, experts primarily use chiropractic treatment for prophylaxis and health care. With older animals, the focus is on increasing the quality of life.