Many dog owners who take prescription medication overlook the fact that animals are just as curious as children about anything that looks like food to them; particularly the bright-colored candy coated medicines.
The keep-medicines-out-of-reach rule should also apply to pets as there have been cases of dogs that got hold of medications. The most serious incidents are those that involved controlled substances. In case a pet ingested any form of medication, it is imperative to immediately bring the animal to a veterinary or to the local ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.
In the meantime, pay heed to the following recommendations on how to keep your pets safe animals from the harms of accidentally ingesting medicines.
1. Bottled medications must still be kept out of a dog’s reach as they are capable of chewing the cover to get hold of the medicine that human companions pop in their mouth.
2. In case you drop or spill some medications on the floor, pick them up immediately or wipe the floor clean. Also be sure to account for all pills to make sure your pet won’t be picking up one or more pills you might have missed..
3. Be sure to segregate storages in which to keep human and animal medications to prevent mix ups. If you have more than one type of pet, storing their medicines separately is likewise recommended. Animal medications tend to differ in formulation and dosage, and the effect could be fatally toxic when taken by a species that have low tolerance for the medicinal ingredients.
4. Keep medicinal patches such as nicotine patches and fentanyl patches out of reach of pets, including the used ones, as they may still contain some of medication.
5. Don’t let pets lick your skin if you have just applied a topical nonsteroidal ointment, sports liniments or fluorouracil topical cream.
5. Over-the-counter medications, including weight loss supplements, may seem harmless because they are safe forms of medication for humans. However, that is not the case some pills may contain ingredients that can be fatally toxic to pets.
6. When buying medicines online, make sure that someone responsible will be around to receive and store them properly upon delivery. Some Type IV controlled substances like carisoprodol (a.k.a. Soma), can now be bought online because they are not as potent and addictive as the higher grades of pain relievers. However, aside from making sure that you are buying carisoprodol from the best online pharmacy to buy soma, give specific instructions in case there are animals or kids in the vicinity who tamper with unattended delivery packages.
Case Problem Proving Toxicity of Soma on Dogs
In Australia, one recorded case of Soma poisoning involving a dog proved the toxicity of carisoprodol on animals. The dog, which was a 13-year old spayed Australian shepherd accidentally ingested about 15 Soma tablets being taken by her owner for back pains. The animal was immediately brought to the hospital, but still went into respiratory depression and seizures, and later became comatose for an hour. Fortunately, the dog was immediately brought to the hospital to receive treatment and supportive care that it was discharged by the hospital after 4 days.