The Effects of CBD on Dogs and Cats

Dog and cat


CBD stands for Cannabidiol and is a cannabinoid from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa L. Another type of cannabinoid is THC (Δ9-tétrahydrocannabidiol). In the body, THC binds to special receptors, CB1 and CB2, which give a hallucinatory and addictive effect. CBD does not have this effect, because cannabidiol only stimulates the receptors. You can also check out CBD reviews from people who have experienced this firsthand.

Cannabinoids are also produced in the body (endocannabinoids). In humans and animals, these act via cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CB1 and CB2 are some of these receptors. CB receptors are found in many parts of the body, for example, in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints, reproductive organs, etc. The CB1 receptors are mainly present in the nervous system. The activation of this has all kinds of influences on the communication between nerve cells and the modulation of other receptors. The CB2 receptors are mainly located in the immune cells and activation of these receptors regulates inflammatory processes.

The endocannabinoid system is involved in various processes, such as sleep, mood, the ability to remember and learn, appetite, body temperature, and pain sensation. It also plays an important role in the immune system. The main function of the ECS is to maintain balance in the body. In the case of immunological problems, pain, inflammation, anxiety, or stress, and in the case of tumors, too few endocannabinoids are produced, causing the balance to be disturbed.

CBD on the rise

Just like in humans, CBD is becoming increasingly popular in animals. It is often seen as a panacea for any ailment, from a behavioral problem to the treatment of severe cancers. As happens regularly with new products, all kinds of properties are attributed to CBD without a good foundation. If the animal then responds well, while other medications are also given, these effects are previously attributed to CBD and are seen as a panacea. There are indeed many positive effects to the use of CBD, but there will still be a lot of research to discover what can or cannot be expected from CBD in dogs and cats. The official use of CBD in the Netherlands is still in its infancy for companion animals. In the coming years, we expect that there will be much more experience in the use of this.

CBD and humans

Humane CBD has been used for many years. It can improve anxiety symptoms and protects against the long-term consequences of stress. Due to its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, CBD can contribute to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular problems. This has been demonstrated in several studies.

As far as tumors are concerned, a lot of research is still needed. CBD is now mainly used for its positive effect on appetite, and body weight and because of the reduction of pain. Whether it actually inhibits the growth of tumors and the formation of metastases should be further investigated.

CBD in dogs and cats

In so-called “lower vertebrates”, such as birds and reptiles, CBD has been shown to have an immune-modulating, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect, while also reducing the sensitivity to developing pain. Also in various animal studies, CBD appears to reduce multiple types of pain, by stimulating the CB receptors.

In preclinical studies in laboratory animals, CBD was found to help reduce anxiety and stress. This can therefore help with behavioral problems. It is further believed that CBD can support dogs and cats in balanced behavior and the immune system. CBD seems to have an anti-inflammatory, anxiety-suppressing, and cell-protective effect.


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Animals with chronic or acute pain

Studies in animals with osteoarthritis have shown that CBD provides a clear reduction in pain symptoms and a strong improvement in activity, without psychogenic side effects. At the moment, CBD is widely used in dogs and cats for anxiety or pain caused by joint inflammation.

Older animals with neurodegenerative symptoms

The endocannabinoid system is very important in the regulation of oxidative processes and therefore in the fight against aging.

There may be even more positive effects of CBD, there are reports of positive effects in pneumonia, immune-mediated meningitis, tumors, epilepsy, and gastrointestinal infections. To demonstrate this, however, a lot of research is still needed.

CBD on the market

Because of the unfamiliarity of CBD, as is often the case with these types of products, there is a lot of junk for sale. There is no way to find out if the substance is pure or if the agent contains what they promise. In the past, for example, studies have been done on preparations against osteoarthritis, which would contain chondroitin and glucosamine. The result was shocking; for a large part of the products, the content was different from what was promised on the packaging. In a small part, there were no active substances in it at all. This was not about internet sales, but “just” through the store, where you can expect more reliability than some websites. There are of course reliable webshops to be found, but keep in mind: what sounds too good to be true, usually is. With CBD, for example, it is sometimes mentioned that it contains THC. However, this is prohibited by law, which significantly reduces the reliability of the information.

When using CBD, it is important to purchase a remedy from a reputable company. Preferably a medical company, since in that case the content is also guaranteed. Let’s face it, where would you prefer to get your medication for thrombosis: at the pharmacy or via the internet where all control is missing?

CBD in the form of Anibidiol

Anibidiol is a good example of a regulated and controlled CBD preparation. It has been used in Switzerland for a long time. In addition to CBD, this also contains Vitamin B3 (niacin) and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Vitamin B3 supports energy metabolism. This helps counteract disturbed appetite, weight loss, and apathy. Vitamin B6 supports amino acid metabolism and brain activity.

There are 2 variants of Anibidiol; Regular and Plus.

In Switzerland, Regular is mainly used for older dogs with behavioral problems. Plus is mainly used there for pain, inflammation, epilepsy, and for tumors that cause pain or poor appetite. It should be taken 1x a day, preferably in the morning.

Note: it can take a week before there is an effect and only after 5 weeks can it be evaluated to what extent the intended positive effect has been achieved.