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The Effects of CBD on Dogs and Cats

The Effects of CBD on Dogs and Cats

Dog and cat


CBD stands for Cannabidiol and is a cannabinoid from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa L. Another type of cannabinoid is THC (Δ9-tétrahydrocannabidiol). In the body, THC binds to special receptors, CB1 and CB2, which give a hallucinatory and addictive effect. CBD does not have this effect, because cannabidiol only stimulates the receptors. You can also check out CBD reviews from people who have experienced this firsthand.

Cannabinoids are also produced in the body (endocannabinoids). In humans and animals, these act via cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CB1 and CB2 are some of these receptors. CB receptors are found in many parts of the body, for example, in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints, reproductive organs, etc. The CB1 receptors are mainly present in the nervous system. The activation of this has all kinds of influences on the communication between nerve cells and the modulation of other receptors. The CB2 receptors are mainly located in the immune cells and activation of these receptors regulates inflammatory processes.

The endocannabinoid system is involved in various processes, such as sleep, mood, the ability to remember and learn, appetite, body temperature, and pain sensation. It also plays an important role in the immune system. The main function of the ECS is to maintain balance in the body. In the case of immunological problems, pain, inflammation, anxiety, or stress, and in the case of tumors, too few endocannabinoids are produced, causing the balance to be disturbed.

CBD on the rise

Just like in humans, CBD is becoming increasingly popular in animals. It is often seen as a panacea for any ailment, from a behavioral problem to the treatment of severe cancers. As happens regularly with new products, all kinds of properties are attributed to CBD without a good foundation. If the animal then responds well, while other medications are also given, these effects are previously attributed to CBD and are seen as a panacea. There are indeed many positive effects to the use of CBD, but there will still be a lot of research to discover what can or cannot be expected from CBD in dogs and cats. The official use of CBD in the Netherlands is still in its infancy for companion animals. In the coming years, we expect that there will be much more experience in the use of this.

CBD and humans

Humane CBD has been used for many years. It can improve anxiety symptoms and protects against the long-term consequences of stress. Due to its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, CBD can contribute to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular problems. This has been demonstrated in several studies.

As far as tumors are concerned, a lot of research is still needed. CBD is now mainly used for its positive effect on appetite, and body weight and because of the reduction of pain. Whether it actually inhibits the growth of tumors and the formation of metastases should be further investigated.

CBD in dogs and cats

In so-called “lower vertebrates”, such as birds and reptiles, CBD has been shown to have an immune-modulating, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect, while also reducing the sensitivity to developing pain. Also in various animal studies, CBD appears to reduce multiple types of pain, by stimulating the CB receptors.

In preclinical studies in laboratory animals, CBD was found to help reduce anxiety and stress. This can therefore help with behavioral problems. It is further believed that CBD can support dogs and cats in balanced behavior and the immune system. CBD seems to have an anti-inflammatory, anxiety-suppressing, and cell-protective effect.


ALSO READ: How Weight Loss Works for Your Cat


Animals with chronic or acute pain

Studies in animals with osteoarthritis have shown that CBD provides a clear reduction in pain symptoms and a strong improvement in activity, without psychogenic side effects. At the moment, CBD is widely used in dogs and cats for anxiety or pain caused by joint inflammation.

Older animals with neurodegenerative symptoms

The endocannabinoid system is very important in the regulation of oxidative processes and therefore in the fight against aging.

There may be even more positive effects of CBD, there are reports of positive effects in pneumonia, immune-mediated meningitis, tumors, epilepsy, and gastrointestinal infections. To demonstrate this, however, a lot of research is still needed.

CBD on the market

Because of the unfamiliarity of CBD, as is often the case with these types of products, there is a lot of junk for sale. There is no way to find out if the substance is pure or if the agent contains what they promise. In the past, for example, studies have been done on preparations against osteoarthritis, which would contain chondroitin and glucosamine. The result was shocking; for a large part of the products, the content was different from what was promised on the packaging. In a small part, there were no active substances in it at all. This was not about internet sales, but “just” through the store, where you can expect more reliability than some websites. There are of course reliable webshops to be found, but keep in mind: what sounds too good to be true, usually is. With CBD, for example, it is sometimes mentioned that it contains THC. However, this is prohibited by law, which significantly reduces the reliability of the information.

When using CBD, it is important to purchase a remedy from a reputable company. Preferably a medical company, since in that case the content is also guaranteed. Let’s face it, where would you prefer to get your medication for thrombosis: at the pharmacy or via the internet where all control is missing?

CBD in the form of Anibidiol

Anibidiol is a good example of a regulated and controlled CBD preparation. It has been used in Switzerland for a long time. In addition to CBD, this also contains Vitamin B3 (niacin) and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Vitamin B3 supports energy metabolism. This helps counteract disturbed appetite, weight loss, and apathy. Vitamin B6 supports amino acid metabolism and brain activity.

There are 2 variants of Anibidiol; Regular and Plus.

In Switzerland, Regular is mainly used for older dogs with behavioral problems. Plus is mainly used there for pain, inflammation, epilepsy, and for tumors that cause pain or poor appetite. It should be taken 1x a day, preferably in the morning.

Note: it can take a week before there is an effect and only after 5 weeks can it be evaluated to what extent the intended positive effect has been achieved.

How Weight Loss Works for Your Cat

How Weight Loss Works for Your Cat

Fat cat on the floor


Congratulations! You have already taken two important steps towards diet success:

  1. You have realized that your cat is overweight.
  2. They have decided to do something about it.

After you check out if Protetox does it work to help you lose weight, now it’s about tackling your cat’s diet and persevering. That’s not why we want to fool you for many cat owners a challenge. If you follow the following tips, you will make it a lot easier for yourself and your cat to reach your goal.

Create optimal conditions

In order for your cat to successfully reduce her weight, the following points are a must in our opinion:

  • Before starting the diet, take your cat to the veterinarian for a health check-up. Only then can you rule out that a disease is behind the weight problems or that secondary diseases have already arisen due to obesity.
  • Work with your veterinarian to create a diet plan with realistic intermediate goals. Your veterinarian can estimate how much and quickly your cat should lose weight. The intermediate goals make it easier for you to persevere. And with a competent partner at your side, you can also master any setbacks more easily.
  • Switch your cat to a veterinary reduction diet. As a result, you can be sure that your cat will lose weight healthily and will not suffer from nutrient deficiencies despite dieting. You can find out more about the special features of veterinary reduction diets in the article “Which cat food is the best way for my cat to lose weight?”.

Of course, cats whose owners have done it differently have already lost weight, but scientific research and practical experience have shown that the diet is easiest under these conditions and shows more sustainable success (keyword yo-yo effect).

So if you have fulfilled these more technical requirements, you are actually on the way to becoming a slim cat. But the diet can still fail due to psychological factors that make you doubt the sense of the undertaking and weaken your perseverance. After all, your cat will not “understand” why you suddenly change your behavior in terms of food and demand its usual privileges.

So that you do not become weak:

Invest time in the preparation phase

If you want your cat to lose weight, both you and your cat need to get rid of habitual behaviors and replace them with new ones. This only works if you:

  1. become aware of what has gone wrong so far,
  2. take responsibility for this and
  3. approach the diet with a positive attitude.

1. How could it get so thick?

There are many reasons for obesity in cats and it is important that organic causes are ruled out by a veterinarian. If there is no underlying disease, however, it can be said that obesity is very often caused by misunderstandings in the human-cat relationship, because we cat owners try to strengthen the relationship with our cat through food. Although food for cats (unlike dogs) actually has no social significance. We humans, however, use treats, for example, as proof of love or to calm our guilty conscience and so many extra calories come together every day …

An overview of the calorie content of popular cat snacks can be found on the Royal Canin snack table.

This calorie table has one or the other aha effect ready: e.g. that two tablespoons of liquid cream (94 kcal) already provide almost half of the daily energy requirement of a 4 kg cat.

In order not to fall further into these calorie traps, you should therefore familiarize yourself with the natural feeding behavior of cats and observe yourself carefully when dealing with your cat. Then, step by step, you can replace the “unhealthy” behaviors with alternatives.

More information on feeding behavior can be found in the article “The most common mistakes in cat feeding”.

A feeding diary, in which you enter for a few days everything your cat gets in food, treats, or table leftovers, is helpful for many at the beginning. Such records are also very valuable to your veterinarian.

2. What makes you persevere until success?

Unfortunately, if you want your cat to lose weight healthily, there is no shortcut that leads to success overnight. As a noble donor of cat food, you have to find the motivation every day anew to enforce the diet, come what may.

You are no different than an Olympic champion who spends years practicing the same movements over and over again before his great moment of success, even if he has long since internalized them. This competition with the inner bastard is not won with muscles, but with the heart and the will. Powerful motivational aids are, for example:

  • To imagine the goal in the most beautiful colors — over and over again. You can imagine, for example, how wonderfully your cat can jump and play again when she is rid of her excess weight. Hang a childhood picture of your velvet paw above the food bowl, showing her slim and fit while playing …
  • To break down a big, distant goal into many small steps and to be happy about every little progress. Make the small advances visible by photographing your cat from above at regular intervals and see how she gradually develops a waist again. This often motivates more than just logging the weight.
  • To do everything to ensure that the word “diet” triggers only positive feelings in you. Most people immediately have negative images of hunger, renunciation, and hardship in their minds when they go on a “diet”. This automatically develops the fear of failure and a certain feeling of helplessness. Owners of overweight cats also often have to struggle with feelings of guilt. However, the more often you consciously think about the benefits of the diet for your cat and yourself, the less power these negative associations have and the greater your chance of success.

See the diet as a gift to your cat and to yourself: You both give each other more time together and your cat more health. Your cat is lucky that you do this for her!

By the way: No Olympic champion is solely responsible for his success. A team of trainers, physiotherapists, and motivational trainers is always at his side and drives him when he has a slump. If possible, look for supporters for your cat’s diet! In addition to the family that goes along, the team of your veterinary practice can motivate you by defining your goals, reviewing them, and assisting you with setbacks like a coach.


ALSO READ: What to Know About Growth Hormones on Farm Animal


Let’s start with the diet!

If you have created a diet plan for your cat with your veterinarian and maintained your motivation, you can start at the latest now:

Keep things simple! Create a new feeding routine and stay stubbornly on track.

The most crucial practical diet tips

  • Weigh Reduce the amount of food for your cat daily. This is much more accurate than dosing with a feeding cup.
  • Divide You eat the daily ration of cat food on many small meals on cats naturally 10 to 15 times a day. You can simply fill the daily ration of dry food into the bowl in the morning and your cat will help himself as often as he wants until the bowl is empty (but then do not refill!). You should provide small portions of wet food fresh.
  • If your cat eats wet food and you can reconcile it with your daily routine to fill the bowl frequently, losing weight with wet food is easier than with dry food because it is not as energy-tight.
  • Replace food with contact: Play or cuddle with your cat instead of giving her snacks.
  • Get as much exercise as possible every day. If you are not there, your cat should have other ways to play, e.g. a food dispenser where she has to use her dexterity to get the food.
  • Introduce your cat to your veterinarian’s office regularly during the diet.
  • After the diet, switch to a calorie-reduced complete food, for example, a product for neutered cats, so that your cat maintains its ideal weight.

Take it slow

Of course, all the efforts should also be noticeable on the scales, but impatience can be very dangerous for overweight cats. As a rule of thumb, a cat on the diet should lose 1 to 3% of its body weight per week. Paradoxically, however, it is also true that the fatter the cat is, the slower it should lose weight initially! So better 1% than 3% or even more, otherwise she runs the risk of developing liver disease.

Important: Do not prescribe fasting days for your cat!

Fasting is very dangerous for overweight cats. If your cat does not get food, she will resort to fat pads to meet her energy needs. This sounds good at first, but the cat also needs protein, and fasting very easily leads to a protein deficiency with fatal consequences for the liver metabolism. The liver is “flooded” with fat, which can no longer be metabolized and paralyzes liver function.

Neighbors, animal housemates, and other diet complications

Obesity affects indoor cats much more often than outdoor cats, as house tigers move less and are more concerned with food.

If your cat is an outdoorsman, this is good for her figure in itself and if she occasionally catches a mouse, you don’t really need to worry about diet success. A mouse provides your cat with about 30 kcal of energy and it also consumes calories for hunting.

That’s why, by the way, a cat that does not have the pleasure of being fed by humans also needs 10 to 12 mice per day (i.e. about 300 to 360 kcal), although it actually has a maintenance requirement of only 200 kcal at 4 kg body mass. The remaining 100 to 160 kcal go for the strenuous hunt or the many failed attempts.

Much more often than mice, well-meaning neighbors who feed vigorously are the problem. Get these people on board as much as you can! And if that means giving a little diet food to the neighbors so that they can welcome the visitor appropriately, so be it. So neither your cat nor your rival has to do without cherished habits and the diet works anyway.

If you own several cats or other pets, you must take precautions so that your dieter does not help himself to someone else’s plates. So there must be no food within reach. Often it is enough to feed slimmer cats in elevated places, which can not reach heavier and therefore more sedate specimens.

By the way, it is not a problem to feed all cats in a household with diet food (if there are no health problems such as kidney weakness in the other cats). The normal-weight cats are then simply allowed to eat more or get a daily meal with higher-calorie food, from which the diet-keeping cat is excluded.

And if the cat does not lose weight as hoped?

Isn’t that a reason to despair or even give up? Small weight fluctuations during the diet are normal one week everything is going well, and the next week suddenly nothing happens … As long as the overall direction is right, that’s perfectly fine. If you are unsure or have to take setbacks, seek advice from a veterinarian. No one will judge you for failure.

Also, keep in mind that healthy weight loss takes time. Your cat should lose 1 to 3% of its weight per week, so a 5 kg cat should lose only 50 to 150 g. In order to lose a kilo of weight, you can therefore give such a cat 10 or even 20 weeks.

What to Know About Growth Hormones on Farm Animals

What to Know About Growth Hormones on Farm Animals

Growth hormones are normally produced by the pituitary gland to help humans maintain ideal fertiliy rates, promote muscle growth and spur bone elongation. Any deficiency can be remedied by way of clinically administered human growth hormone (HGH) therapy. In animal care, GH therapy is not recommended for pets but may apply to farm animals mainly because farm operators want to accelerate animal weight gain.

Human Growth Hormones vs. Farm Animal Growth Hormones

In humans, the natural chemicals secreted by the pituitary gland sends signals to the liver to release a growth agent called insulin-like growth factor 1 or IGF-1. The IGF-1 is the key ingredient in encouraging hair, muscle and bone growth in humans. Those looking for more information on how HGH therapy or injectables work to achieve body-building and other health goals can find additional insights at the HGHLager website.

The application of growth hormones in farm animals work to increase the efficiency of animal feeds. Through the addition of a mix of natural and synthetic growth-promoting substances, the feeds can accelerate the growth of young farm animals.

The main objective is to attain faster weight gain and therefore yield higher weight when weighed at the slaughterhouse. According to agricultural reports, GH can increase carcass meat weight by 8%. The saleable meat of the four main cuts of a carcass, yields an average increase of 2%/

Different Countries Have Varying Rules and Regulations in the Use of GH on Farm Animals

Growth hormones on farm animals come in the form of feeds, injectables or implants. Their use is generally allowed in several countries; except in European Union member countries.

In the US, the decision to use GH is at the discretion of the farm owners or operators. However US laws prohibit the use of growth hormones on chickens and other poultry animals. In contrast, Canada forbids farms to use GH on pigs.

The EU member countries not only ban the use of GH on animals but also prohibit the importation of animal meat produced by countries that allow GH use. Japan also disallows the use of GH on farm animals but allows the importation of meat products from leading pro-GH countries like the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Effect of Consuming Meat from GH-Fed Farm Animal

The EU insists on banning the importation of meat from countries that allow the use of GH feeds. Yet is still no clear findings on whether growth hormone additives pose a risk to human health.

GH implants though were found to be harmful to farm animals as some studies have shown that GH implants can have adverse effects on the animal itself. The animals may show signs of aggressiveness, nervousness, swelling and rectal collapse among other things.

Why It’s Also Important for Animals to Drink Filtered Drinking Water

Why It’s Also Important for Animals to Drink Filtered Drinking Water

Most people in urban areas are water-safety conscious, they’re drinking only bottled or filtered water; but not a few overlook their pet’s need for clean water too. However, animals need water that has sufficient sulfur content because some water filtration processes remove not only contaminants and harmful chemicals but also minerals.

Manufacturers of bottled drinking water and water filtration equipment use a proprietary filtration technology in removing impurities and harmful contaminants. However, if such technologies produce purified and distilled water, it means the water has also been stripped of its mineral content, particularly sulfur and salt.

Although mineral water is a better choice than the purified and distilled kind, health experts do not recommend mineral water as regular replacement for ordinary filtered tap water, which still retains sufficient amount of minerals and other nutrients.

The Importance of Filtered Drinking Water for Dogs

While many dog owners give their furry friends filtered drinking water, they should encourage their pet to drink more to attain proper hydration. It’s also important that the filtered water taken in by a dog contains a sufficient amount of sulfur. Based on scientific studies, the mineral is a combination of several nutrients proven as essential to animal health.
Tear staining for one, is an indication that a dog is not drinking clean unfiltered water. If that is the case, the dog may be diagnosed as having a build up of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) within their system and possibly, in high levels. The solution oft recommended is to properly hydrate the dog with filtered water.
Still, as some filtered water do not contain sulfur, and if the animal has no other source of sulfur except drinking water, the condition could lead to sulfur deficiency. Animal health experts explain that sulfur is a key component that helps regulate the body system that keeps animal body cells functioning properly.

Example of Water Filtration Technology that Retains Mineral Content of Water

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) gives advice that while there are several different technologies in use, no manufacturer can claim that their processes can eliminate all kinds of contaminants. The CDC reminds consumers to carefully read labels and ro check product claims against independent sources. That way, they can make certain the product can make the water not only safe, but also healthy to drink.

To cite an example, Clearly Filtered, one of the leading manufacturers of water filtration devices and equipment, claims that its Affinity® Filtration Technology, can remove up to 99.9% of all kinds of contaminants. Yet the company gives assurance that their technology does not remove the minerals and nutrients that give the water its fresh flavor and healthy quality.

To clearly demonstrate its ability to remove as many as 220 contaminants and pollutants often found in water, the latest report of independent Lab Test Results can be accessed at the Clearly filtered website.

How Does BAT Affect the Well Being of Animals and Humans

Brown adipose tissues (BAT) are present in all mammals including humans, since they are critical for sustaining central body temperature and balance of energy. Dogs for one, also have BAT as part of their inner heating mechanism, in addition to the thick fur that provides them the extra warmth they need during colder season or climate.


Why Does BAT Matter?

Actually, the increased attention being given to brown adipose tissues is not related to a health issue. BAT researches are focused on the capabilities of the brown fat cells to burn even the white fats stored in overweight or obese human bodies.

Dogs like Huskies, Chow Chows, Pomeranians and Great Pyrenese are naturally endowed with lots of furs because they originate from places with colder climates. The thick external covering helps them retain the natural heat thermogenically produced by the BAT in their bodies, even as they stay outdoors for an extended period of time.

Smaller dogs, particularly the short-haired breed or those that originated in regions with warmer climates also produce body heat, but on a more controlled level. Although their owners worry that they do not have enough furs to protect them from the bitter cold the unusually cold temperatures occurring lately, their BAT mechanism works to give them extra insulation. Nonetheless, veterinarians recommend that for short-haired dogs, it would be best to make them wear some protective clothing if they will be staying outdoors for more than 10 minutes.

BAT in hibernating animals are actually important because its unique thermogenic capabilities can quickly produce the heat that rewarms their body when coming out of long period of inactivity or slumber.

In non-hibernating animals, exposing the body to colder temperatures for a prolonged period, will initiate the recruitment or conversion of white fat cells into becoming brown fat that the body can burn additionally during thermogenesis.

How BAT is Being Harnessed as a Weight Loss Driver

Aside from eating the right kind of diet meal that works effectively in bringing down an overweight or an obese person’s body mass index, some people take weight loss pills to speed up the calorie-burning process. However, not all weight loss pills work as efficiently as they do in all types of people. As it is, the success of most diet programs depend on the lifestyle, genetic makeup or environment of the individuals attempting to reduce their weight.

What about Exipure, the weight loss treatment that has been formulated with natural ingredients known to promote the thermogenic mechanisms of brown adipose tissue? Unlike other weight loss pills that simply burn caloric intakes, Exipure harnesses the unique thermogenic tissues in burning not only brown fat cells. Part of the BAT’s metabolic mechanism enables the recruitment of white fat cells as additional sources of fats to burn to produce heat.

To find out if Exipure really works, readers can find a fair and balanced review of the product at the Geeks Health website; providng clearer details on why the site’s fitness experts believe that it does.

Aromatherapy – Know that Certain Essential Oils are Toxic to Animals

Aromatherapy has become popular because its therapuetic effects have been proven effective in giving the human body the benefits of relaxation and rejuvenation. However, many make the mistake of thinking that their cats or dogs are enjoying the same benefits. On the contrary, this isn’t actually the case, especially if in use for therapeutic purposes. There’s a level of toxicity in essential oils, which could have some undesirable and even dangerous effects on animals.

Bear in mind that essential oils are concentrates of the active biological properties of plants, which through inhalation, ingestion or skin contact can enter the bloodstream. Some of these essential oils are actually harmful to animals, to which broad, frequent and direct exposure becomes toxic for pets and for the health of their organs.

Although lavender, cinnamon, citrus and other essential oils can have calming and soothing effects on the himan body, some of these contain compounds that certain types of animals cannot tolerate in their systems.

Animals Have Different Body Systems and Organ Compositions

Related scientific studies conducted by animal experts have established the fact that animals have different body systems when compared to humans. That is why certain essential oils used for therapeutic purposes can actually have adverse effects on animals once they enter the body, pass through the bloodstream and reach the vital organs.

Cats for one do not have the capability to produce liver enzyme to use for metabolism, which makes cats particularly sensitive to essentials oils,

Essential Oils that are Harmful to Cats and Dogs

While some essential oils may have no effect on dogs, take note that essential oils derived from citrus, clove, cinnamon, cassia, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, spruce, peppermint, thyme and tea tree, are known to cause harmful effects on cats.

Essential oils from clove, garlic, tea tree, thyme, juniper, rosemary and wintergreen, are particularly harmful to dogs.

Safety measures therefore must be observed in homes where essential oils are regularly used for aromatherapy or for  medicinal purposes. Since animals have keen senses of smell, make sure they are not in the same room, or can have a safe place in which to stay during the aromatherapy healing session.

1. Store the essential oils in places that animals cannot reach.

2. Essential oil spills should be thoroughly wiped clean to make certain that the house pet will not lick some residues off the floor.

3. If by chance, some essential oil gets into the skin or fur of your cat or dog, wash it off immediately and thoroughly using dishwashing liquid with powerful grease-cutting ability.

4. If you or any of the members of the household use perfumes that make use of essential oils as main components, be sure to remind every one not to diffuse or spray the fragrance while pets are around. The animals might lick droplets of the diffused substance without anyone noticing it. Neither should they let pets lick or inhale areas of the skin where the perfume was applied.

The popular Italian fragrance Xerjoff has a line of perfume called Naxos, named after the mythical Greek Island with the same name and famous for its traditional use of essential oils as healing and rejuvenating components. The xj 1861 naxos xerjoff variant in particular and as an example, includes citrus, lavender and cinnamon as main ingtrediaents in the scent formulation.

Preventing Obesity from Affecting the Health and Wellness of Pets

Many love their pets as if the animals are their own flesh and blood, and oftentimes, they show love by feeding the animals frequently and/or excessively. Actually, studies show that most obese folks have obese pets as well, because aside from overfeeding, they are less inclined to take their animals for long walks. Still, regardless of of the nature and personal habits of certain pet owners, keeping pets fit and healthy is a different concern altogether.

Excessive weight or obesity in dogs and cats can cause serious health problems that can affect the quality of their life or shorten their lifespan, These are likely to happen if a dog or cat is of a breed, or of a certain age that have increased risks of developing health disorders like respiratory distress, heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer.

Previous researches show that female and neutered dogs have higher risks of developing those health problems. Aside from the limitation imposed on their natural conditions, excessive weight, deters them from performing their normal functions and activities.

Practical Ways of Checking If a Pet is Obese or Overweight

When was the last time you had your dog ot cat weighed? While it would be difficult to put all fours of a dog on a weighing scale, there are some practical ways by which you can determine if your dog is already overweight or obese before bringing your dog to the vet.

Check your dog for excess fat covering around the ribs, as too much fat will keep you from feeling the outline of your pet’s rib cage. The same goes for the belly area, although viewing the dog’s waist from above and from the side, will show indications of excess belly fat.

If there’s any indication that your pet is overweight, bring the animal to the vet for a health check. If necessary get recommendations on how to reduce the excess fat in your pet’s body.

Sustain Your Own Weight Loss Resolve by Taking Fat Burners for Humans

Obesity in humans and anmals have the same causes and health risks, which denotes that the safest way to remove excessive weight in your animal is to stop overfeeding it and to increase its physical activities. If you yourself have excessive weight, your dog’s weight problem should motivate you to get into a weight loss plan yourself. Aside from making important changes in your eating habits, burn more calories by keeping yourself and your pet physically active.

While the veterinarian may recommend a weight loss supplement to help the animal burn its stored fat at a faster rate, you should also take the right fat burner supplement. It’s important to take a weight loss supplement that will not make you lose your determination, as some fat bruner supplements tend to leave users feeling fatigued amd tired. As a result, they tend to stop before achieving significant weight loss results.

The good news though is that fitness website Walnut Crossfit performs a review of popular weightloss supplements. Their review of the recently launched Exipure  showed that the calorie burning process promoted by the fat burning pill focuses on boosting the brown fat tissues.

Browm adipose tissues (BAT) normally burn fats, as opposed to white adipose tissues (WAT) that function as fat storages. The Exipure formaulation uses an approach that not only burns BAT but also recruits or converts WAT into BAT to boost the calorie-burning efficiency of the pill. In so doing, Exipure users are supplemented with enough energy that can sustain them in carrying on with their activities throughout the day.

Dental and Oral Health Care in Dogs and Cats – Do They Include Dental Implants?

The American Veterinary Medical Asso. highlights the importance of a pet’s dental health, as any occurrence of an oral problem will lead to other health issues. That being the case, the AVMA recommends having a veterinarian knowledgeable in animal dentistry, check your dog or cat’s teeth at least once a year to see if there are any early signs of dental problem to avoid the occurrence of infection.

Who Should Perform Oral Health Care on Animals?

Veterinary dentistry deals with various aspects of animal oral care, from cleaning, filing, adjusting, extracting, or repairing animal teeth. Such procedures should be done by a board-certified veterinary dentist or a veterinarian. In some areas, depending on the state or provincial regulation, veterinary technicians can also perform particular dental procedures; but with the condition that they perform work while under the supervision of a state-licensed veterinarian.

Are Dental Implant Replacements Available to Cats and Dogs?

There is no such thing as dental implant replacement for dogs and cats, as some pet lovers have asked veterinary dentists after their dog or cat underwent tooth extraction or repair.

Unlike humans, animals have contrasting facial and dental anatomy. Besides the teeth of dogs and cats do not extrude nor shift, once a tooth has been extracted. Mainly because there are differences in the sizes and root shapes of animal teeth. Another reason is that it has something to do with the occlusal forces applied by the teeth whenever dogs and cats eat.

Dogs and cats are not like humans who possess teeth that bump each other, which largely help a person to chew and grind the food he eats. Animal teeth are actually developed as a mechanism that could kill, rip, grab, and swallow a prey as food. As far as domesticated dogs or cats are concerned, having fewer or no teeth at all is not as serious, as they do not have to hunt or compete with other animals to obtain food.

Dogs and cats use their teeth very differently from humans which makes dental implant replacements useless. Some pets that still have their complete sets of teeth still swallow their food whole. The main reason for this is because of their natural wild instinct of needing to quickly consume their food by swallowing large amounts before another animal snatches it or before larger predator arrives.

Even if cats or dogs lose their teeth, the loss does not change animal facial features the way it does in humans Still, small breeds of animals like yorkies, chihuahuas, and dachshunds are exceptions. When these small breeds lose their lower canine teeth it could cause changes in the animal’s tongue-lolling movement,which could affect the way they pick up food.

Even in Australia, dental implants have not shown any signs that they would improve dog and cat patients’ quality of life. The Australian Veterinary Dental Society, like the American Veterinary Medical Association has also made it their mission to provide the best oral and dental care for domesticated animals. That is why It’s not ethically reasonable for an animal to undergo the stressful conditions related to surgical implants when they need to chew or bite hard on something.

Why and How Dog Owners Should Prevent Obesity in Their Pets

While the CDC highly advocates pet ownership as one way to stay healthy, it should be clear that owning also comes with a responsibility to care for the animal. People are sometimes too engrossed with their own work and health issues, they tend to forget their dogs, need more than food and shelter in order to stay healthy. In fact in North America, studies show that about 25-30% of canines kept in households are obese.

Obesity in dogs is also regarded as a canine disease because jut like humans, excess body fats, particularly in older dogs, increase the their risks of developing diseases that can shorten their lifespan. New studies show that fat tissues in dogs are capable of secreting inflammatory hormones, as well as apply oxidative stress on the animal’s body tissues. In both cases, excessive body fat in canines increase the animal’s susceptibility to the development of the following diseases, which is just to name a few of the most common:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes Melitus,
  • Heart Disease.
  • Any type of cancer,
  • Osteoarthritis,
  • Urinary bladder stones,
  • Less tolerance to warmer temperatures

How to Tackle Canine Obesity Problem

While obesity is common among dogs kept in North American households, it is also regarded as the most preventable. Yet, most dog owners have a hard time determining if their dog is already overweight or obese, since many of the most adorable dogs they see in the Internet are large robust types,

The best person who can determine if one’s dog is obese is a veterinarian That is why, bringing canine pets for regular veterinary visits is important.

Once a dog has been assessed as obese based on its weight and body mass index, the veterinarian will recommend reducing the amount of food being provided as meals and snacks to the animal.

The animal doctor will also recommend scientifically-tested nutritional food supplements that aid in the animal’s weight reduction program. Such animal supplements have overall lower calorie content, yet at the same time formulated with nutrients to ensure the dog will still receive proper nutrition.

Bear in mind that simply reducing your dog’s meals and depriving him of food increases the risk of ending up with a malnourished dog. Such a condition will make the animal more vulnerable animal diseases.

Treating obesity in canines is no less different when treating obesity in humans, While ending one’s overeating habits is important, eating balanced nutritious meals is still important. Moreover, canines must also engage in exercise that helps, not only in promoting blood circulation but also in the calorie burning processes.

Pet owners who face obesity problems themselves are advised against feeding their animals with the fat burning supplements they take, even if they experience improvements in their own weight reduction regimen. Although they contain natural ingredients, they have been tested as effective only in humans. Since some human foods can actually cause allergies to canines, there are also possibilities that some of these natural active ingredients can have the same effects.

As additional recommendation to obese pet owners, there’s a new kind of fat burner that’s been recently introduced, but available to buy only in the manufacturer’s website. Called Exipure, the formulation aims to convert excessive white fat into brown fat, the latter being the type of fat that can speed up the calorie burning process by way of thermogenesis.

To find out how this new fat burner works, read Exipure consumer reviews that provide more detailed descriptions of their effects,

How Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutants Affect Our Pet’s Health

Currently, scientists across the globe are now focusing on the negative effects of air pollution on animals, since humans are already experiencing the harmful effects of air pollutants.

Such effects include the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and respiratory symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness of chest, chest pains, and persistent cough. In severe cases, air pollution can cause premature death of individuals belonging to at-risk groups comprising young children, elderly, and those with preexisting cardiovascular diseases.

How Air Pollution Affect Domesticated Animals

It has been revealed by scientific studies that domesticated pets living with owners who smoke are at greater risk of developing respiratory disorders than their owners. Mainly because animal companions spend most of their time on floors.

Findings have also established a correlation between poor animal health and carcinogens from human indoor activities that involve the use of cleaning products, smoking and other emissions. Of particular interest are the carcinogens that cause mesothelioma, lung, bladder, and nasal cancers in dogs.

A published report has shown that pets are also affected negatively by air pollution outside of homes. The researchers studied the brains of dogs found in Mexico City and compared them with dogs from cities that are not as polluted. Their findings revealed that the dogs in Mexico City had increased inflammation in their brains, as evidenced by clumps of protein, a critical sign of Alzheimer’s disease in humans.

Another study was carried out by by researchers from the Schools of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University Cummings and University of Massachusetts. Their study involved 700 dog owners as respondents who replied to questions about pesticide use

Part of the survey results showed that 33% of the dogs owned by the respondents were diagnosed with a form of cancer called canine malignant lymphoma. Their chances of getting lymphoma would go up by 70%,if their owners continue to use pesticides in their yard.

A Study concerning cats on the other hand, showed that one in ten of the subject felines have asthma because of both indoor and outdoor air pollutants. Similar to dogs, cats are also affected when their owners smoke or burn wood fires as the smoke impairs a cat’s lung function.

Ways to Reduce a Pet’s Exposure to Air Pollution

Since domesticated animals usually spend their time in the yard or indoors, the following tips actions can help protect your pet from air pollution:

  • Use air purifiers, or if they are already in use, regularly change the air purifier filters;
  • Frequently vacuum in order to remove indoor air pollutants such as pet hair;
  • Refrain from smoking inside the house;
  • Choose cleaning products and wall paints that have low or no VOC ingredients.
  • Refrain from walking pets in areas with heavy traffic and choose places that are far from roadways, preferably in residential areas and parks;
  • Choose your yard products wisely and always ask for less toxic alternatives for chemical pesticides.

Domestic Animal Care in South Korea

Recently, there has been a rise of pet owners in South Korea as a growing number of Koreans have shown interest in pet welfare. This country has animal laws that particularly focus on the protection of animals in all categories, which Korean citizens must strictly obey.

Animal Protection Act (2017) Article 32 of the Act defines companion animals as cats, rabbits, and dogs only. Both public officials and members of the public must make it their duty to protect animals.

South Korea’s act of animal protection includes minimizing, if not preventing the exposure of domesticated animals to outdoor and indoor pollution. That is why it is normal for Korean homes to have HEPA air purifiers not only for human use, but also for the welfare of their pets. Animal companions after all, are themselves a primary source of indoor air pollutants.

Checkout this Korean consumer website to know the Top 7 air purifier home appliances used by many Korean homes.

Why Hormonal Imbalance is a Serious Health Issue for Dogs

Just like humans, animals, especially domesticated dogs, are prone to hormonal imbalances causing a variety of health issues that are equally troubling. The most common hormone-related disease suffered by canines is hyperadrenocorticism, which when occurring in humans is called Cushing’s Disease.

While hormonal imbalances usually occur in aging dogs, identifying the hormones causing the health issue requires a series of blood sample analysis. Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease in dogs is said to be more complicated to diagnose, because the levels of the hormone glucocorticoids in dogs tend to naturally fluctuate.

Nonetheless, a research study conducted by scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna found out that an analysis of a dog’s hair can indicate if there is excessive secretion of the hormone glucocorticoids in the animal. The results of the study showed that canines suffering from Cushing’s Disease tend to accumulate large amounts of glucocorticoids in their hair or fur. In such cases, they are outwardly exhibited as noticeable changes in the distribution, thickness or consistency of hair in the dog’s coat.

Dr. Claudia Ouschan, the lead author of the study wrote that analyzing the glucocorticoid concentrations in a dog’s hair presents a less distressing method of diagnosing Cushing’s Disease in the animal.

What Exactly is Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease?

Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s Disease is a condition in which the adrenal gland produces excessive amounts of the hormone, glucocorticoids. It’s an anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-derived hormone that is synthesized by the adrenal gland. Glucocorticoids are distributed in all tissues for the purpose of controlling metabolism in fat cells, muscles, liver and bone. However, excessive or low levels of glucocorticoids can affect the brain in ways that influence behavior, sleep-wakefulness cycles and mood.

What Causes Excessive Glucocorticoid Secretion?

While excessive glucocorticoids secretion in dogs is common, most cases that develop into Cushing’s Disease is a result of a tumor in the pituitary gland or the glucocorticoid-producing adrenal gland itself.

In humans, Cushing’s Disease has been linked to overeating and excessive intakes of alcoholic beverages. The most common symptoms of the disorder include: loss of hair, a pot-bellied appearance, mood swings, weak muscles, increased fat around the neck and shoulders, easy bruising and appearances of purplish stretch marks in the abdomen, breasts, under the arms and hip areas.

Treatment of Hormonal Imbalances in Animals and Humans

Veterinarians give advice that the moment you find clumps of fur lying around, while dog incessantly, scratches, licks or chews his or her coat, these are reactions to irritations caused by hormonal imbalances. As such symptoms can affect your dog’s appetite and activity level, it would be best to immediately bring your pet to an animal clinic.

While the symptoms may not always be a result of Cushing’s Disease or other types of hormonal imbalance, proper diagnosis of such symptoms is of utmost importance. That way, your pet will be administered with the appropriate treatment as early as possible.

While treatment in humans would include hormonal therapy, the physician will likewise order a patient to stop the excessive eating and drinking behaviors, as well as follow a specific nutritional diet. Most patients tend to encounter difficulty in managing the behavioral and dietary changes, but many discovered a program known as Metabolic Renewal that helped them address and manage their hormonal imbalance issues.

Metabolic renewal program is actually a 12-week plan of eating a set of metabolic meals developed to specifically and effectively address a participant’s hormonal imbalance problems as a result of unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits. The program is professionally administered by Dr. Jade Teta, a physician who specializes in natural health, body fitness and body transformation through the Naturopathic Health Clinic of North Carolina that he co-founded.

Overview and Examples of Animal Care Laws in Spain

Pet ownership in Spain is a serious matter as Spanish citizens, expats and immigrants alike must abide with the country’s strict laws on animal care management. While all countries have animal welfare and protection laws in place, Spain has some unique legal policies pertaining to pet care management. If in case, you have plans of moving to Spain whist bringing your pet along to live with you, it’s important to have awareness of such laws.

Under the guidance of European Union laws for animal care and protection, animals are sentient beings. However, wild animals including those in captivity and used for hunting are exempted. The bulls in Spain’s bullfighting rings are included among the exceptions.

Basically, animal care laws in the country require owners of companion animals to not mistreat their pets, or expose them to unnecessary danger; as well as make sure that the animals in one’s care will not pose as threats to the safety and well being of the general public.

Examples of Animal Care Management Laws in Spain

Some laws governing animal care management are incorporated in other Spanish legislation such as the “Ley de Propiedad Horizontal’ (Horizontal Property Law). In this law people residing in common living areas, including apartments and private estates, are protected against illegal, unhealthy, dangerous acts and disturbances.

1.  This law also gives building owners the right not to allow animals in their premises, even if to be kept inside homes or kept on a leash. Such prohibitions must be stated in the Statutes of the Residents Association. Otherwise, the absence of any provision prohibiting animals in the building and its surroundings will be taken to mean that pets are allowed.

However, despite the absence of prohibitions, pet owners must ensure that they practice proper animal care to make sure their pets do not pose as risks to healthy, safe and peaceful living.

2  Pets that are constantly loud and causing ruckus can be considered as committing acts of disturbances in residential areas.

3.  Animals infested with ticks, fleas or any type of parasite, whilst smelling bad for lack of proper care may be taken away from their owners. Such conditions are not only dangerous to a community but is also a form of animal mistreatment.

4.  Pet owners taking medication or supplements must make sure to keep drugs out of reach of pets to avoid poisoning the animal. Even vitamins or weigh-loss supplements that are usually made from natural or organic materials are unsafe as far as animals are cdoncerned.

A fat burning supplement like Reduslim España may be marketed as safe because the medicine has no resulting side effects. However, not all organic components of this weight-loss supplement have been tested as safe for animals.

5.  Where dogs are allowed to romp and roam around freely inside a garden area, you are required to put a “Beware of the Dog” sign as warning to whoever will be coming over to your house.

6. When bringing one’s dog in public places, in addition to keeping the animal in a leash, you must also be prepared to cleaning after any waste or mess made by your pet.

7.  Spanish laws require providing a suitable accommodation. While pets may like staying on terraces or someplace outside the house, leaving them outside for an extended period of time is against the law.

8.  The law also requires keeping animals up to date with vaccination shots, as well as receive periodic medical checkups to make sure they are free from any disease.

9.  If in case you are caring for an animal generally regarded as dangerous, it is your duty to register the animal in the ‘Registro de Animales Potencialmente Peligrosos’ in the registry of the municipality in which you and your pet reside. Registration includes submitting a photo of your photo as owner and that of your pet.

While these are only examples of Spain’s legal requirements for animal care management, be in the know of other animal welfare laws enforced by the autonomous regions of the country.

Keeping Your Pets Safe From Accidentally Taking Human Medications

Many dog owners who take prescription medication overlook the fact that animals are just as curious as children about anything that looks like food to them; particularly the bright-colored candy coated medicines.

The keep-medicines-out-of-reach rule should also apply to pets as there have been cases of dogs that got hold of medications. The most serious incidents are those that involved controlled substances. In case a pet ingested any form of medication, it is imperative to immediately bring the animal to a veterinary or to the local ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.

In the meantime, pay heed to the following recommendations on how to keep your pets safe animals from the harms of accidentally ingesting medicines.

1.  Bottled medications must still be kept out of a dog’s reach as they are capable of chewing the cover to get hold of the medicine that human companions pop in their mouth.

2.  In case you drop or spill some medications on the floor, pick them up immediately or wipe the floor clean. Also be sure to account for all pills to make sure your pet won’t be picking up one or more pills you might have missed..

3.  Be sure to segregate storages in which to keep human and animal medications to prevent mix ups. If you have more than one type of pet, storing their medicines separately is likewise recommended. Animal medications tend to differ in formulation and dosage, and the effect could be fatally toxic when taken by a species that have low tolerance for the medicinal ingredients.

4.  Keep medicinal patches such as nicotine patches and fentanyl patches out of reach of pets, including the used ones, as they may still contain some of medication.

5.  Don’t let pets lick your skin if you have just applied a topical nonsteroidal ointment, sports liniments or fluorouracil topical cream.

5.  Over-the-counter medications, including weight loss supplements, may seem harmless because they are safe forms of medication for humans. However, that is not the case some pills may contain ingredients that can be fatally toxic to pets.

6.  When buying medicines online, make sure that someone responsible will be around to receive and store them properly upon delivery. Some Type IV controlled substances like carisoprodol (a.k.a. Soma), can now be bought online because they are not as potent and addictive as the higher grades of pain relievers. However, aside from making sure that you are buying carisoprodol from the best online pharmacy to buy soma, give specific instructions in case there are animals or kids in the vicinity who tamper with unattended delivery packages.

Case Problem Proving Toxicity of Soma on Dogs

In Australia, one recorded case of Soma poisoning involving a dog proved the toxicity of carisoprodol on animals. The dog, which was a 13-year old spayed Australian shepherd accidentally ingested about 15 Soma tablets being taken by her owner for back pains. The animal was immediately brought to the hospital, but still went into respiratory depression and seizures, and later became comatose for an hour. Fortunately, the dog was immediately brought to the hospital to receive treatment and supportive care that it was discharged by the hospital after 4 days.

Important Info About Steroids If Prescribed as Treatment for Your Pet

When researching medicines prescribed for our animals, the term “steroids” can easily send alarm bells ringing, as it’s widely known as a dangerous drug.

While steroids refer to chemicals that have been synthesized to mimic some hormones if the body cannot produce them naturally, not all “steroids” are linked to dangerous drugs. Steroids are man-made medicines aimed at helping cells, tissues, and body organs function properly due to hormone imbalance. 

There are two main types of steroid medication: corticosteroids and anabolics a.k.a. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids or AAS for short. By knowing the difference between these two, you will understand which steroid is potentially dangerous as medication for you or your pet.

What are Corticosteroids and When are They Prescribed as Treatments?

Corticosteroids are a class of synthetic drugs recommended as treatment to help boost the production of cortisone hormones produced by the adrenal glands. As a medicine, corticosteroids enable the body to respond to a wide range of normal activities such as immunity response, stress response, nutrient metabolism, maintenance of blood electrolyte levels, and in addressing occurrences of internal inflammation.

Corticosteroids are prescribed to balance a body’s cortisone hormone level, hormonal imbalances are manifested by inflammations. During treatment for hormonal imbalance, the body system reacting to the treatment will stop producing substances that can further cause inflammation in the tissues of the organs affected.

Caring for Pets that Receive Steroid Medications

While most animals can tolerate corticosteroids as medications, there are guidelines that pet owners must follow to ensure their safety:

Corticosteroid protocols require daily dosage only during the initial phase of treatment, usually for a life-threatening disease.

Although most dogs have exhibited tolerance for corticosteroids, some canines experience itching or pain. If so, it would be best to inform the veterinarian, as he may recommend an alternative treatment; or prescribe a medication that will act as a stomach protectant.

If your dog requires corticosteroid usage as long-term treatment (3 to 4 months), your pet’s condition should regularly be evaluated. That way, the veterinarian will know if other treatment options can be prescribed.

The key takeaway is to work closely with the veterinarian to ensure that the corticosteroid is safely administered.

What are Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Why Its Use is Being Abused

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are also chemical-based drugs designed to increase male testosterone hormones produced by the gonads in the male testes. While the adrenal glands also produce testosterone hormones, they can only produce at low levels.

Yet AAS as a medical treatment is no longer widely supported and only in extreme cases. Mainly because medical researchers have collected scientific data that show synthetically produced testosterone hormones can adversely affect other naturally occurring hormones; including those that promote sperm production.

While AAS gained notoriety as androgenic drugs used to enhance the strength, endurance, and muscle-building ability of many athletes, it has become illegal to use or buy AAS without a proper medical prescription.

As an alternative to medically prescribed AAS, and for use in building muscles, there are pharma grade steroids in Canada (steroids Canada) developed for pharmaceutical companies. Still, pharma grade steroids are not readily accessible as they have to be purchased only from authorized pharmaceutical firms or sellers.

The WHO Highlights the Health Benefits of Caring for A Pet

Public health experts agree that having a pet to care for can be beneficial to humans not only in terms of companionship but also in improving human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) for one, encourages pet ownership because of the health benefits it brings.

Taking care of a pet increases opportunities for staying active, since caring not only entails feeding and providing a clean shelter. Playing and regularly walking a dog, gives pet adopters reasons to be physically active, especially among individuals who do not engage in regular exercise regimens.

While some women try to lose weight by taking appetite suppressants, they tend to achieve only minimal improvements because they can’t get themselves to exercise regularly. A Fat burner that make your body slim and fit will not work well either. Not unless you engage in some form of regular physical activity that will trigger the fat burning processes carried out by the components of a fat burner supplement.

Having a dog to take out for a walk will provide both you and your animal the exercise you need, especially if you are into taking a fat burner supplement.

The Who Highlights the Health Benefits of Caring for a Pet Animal

While not all animals need to go out with their human companions, WHO health experts say that even simple activities like playing with, and providing the basic needs of a pet can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The WHO also cited studies that show how animal companionship helped in addressing loneliness, a common cause for feelings of depression.

The bond formed between a pet parent and his or her animal, creates feelings of inner happiness and relaxation, which can reduce hypertension. Regular walks present opportunities to go outside and in most cases, to socialize with other pet owners or animal lovers.

Other aspects of physical activities related to caring for animals include bathing and grooming one’s pet, as well as cleaning after the occasional messes they make. While this seems to be the downside to caring part, the experience is no less different from the things parents do in order to raise a healthy and happy child. The difference however is that with animals, parents have to be rather strict in imposing pet cleanliness and hygiene, because animals are contractors and carriers of zoonotic diseases.

What to Do to Keep Pets Healthy

Make sure to provide your pet with a proper diet, as some breeds may require different nutrients in order to keep them active, healthy and happy. Also, have awareness about human food or supplements that can cause allergic reactions to animals and be sure to keep them stored in places where the animal cannot access or reach them. Deworming and keeping a pet animal free from lice and ticks are important actions to take in order to the pet parents’ home environment clean and hygienic.

In case your pet appears listless and disoriented, as well as showing symptoms of a disorder such as vomiting and diarrhea, have it examined by a veterinarian. Keep in mind that in keeping your pet healthy, you are also making sure that you are keeping yourself and other family members healthy as well.

Support Battle vs. Animal Testing by Buying Cruelty-Free Cosmetic Brands

Studies of potential drugs to slow or reverse the aging process usually involve testing on animals in order to prove the effectiveness of anti-aging elements. While the practice is acceptable the animal testing methods have raised concerns, particularly if used by cosmetic manufacturers. In the UK and in European Union countries, animal testing of cosmetics and skincare products is strictly prohibited, in light of ethical concerns over animal welfare. Foreign brands can sell, as well as advertise their cosmetics, including anti-ageing treatments, only if they are certified as cruelty-free.

Although animal testing and experiments are not prohibited in the U.S., guidelines for the Validation of Alternative Methods were set up by the Interagency Coordinating Committee in 1997. The initiative aims to promote the use of various alternative methods to animal testing based on 3 guiding principles, “Refinement, Reduction and Replacement,” also known as the 3Rs.

Global Support for Alternative Methods of Testing

Aside from supporting the battle against cruelty to animals, global support for alternative methods of testing has since grown because non-use of animals has been proven as less costly and less time-consuming.

Moreover, where cosmetic products are concerned, the differences in the structures and immune responses between human and animal skin, make animal experiments less reliable. The results of animal testing cannot be regarded as totally reflective of testing results based on human skin applications.

That being the case, several countries, like Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, and Guatemala, as well as the states of California, Illinois, and Nevada in the U.S., have promulgated laws prohibiting the use of animal testing on cosmetic products.

Besides, the EU Commission and the UK not only prohibit animal testing on cosmetic products. The sale or promotion of foreign brands of cosmetics in EU member countries and in the UK is also not allowed unless their products are certified as cruelty-free. The certification denotes that no animal was involved in the scientific research and testing of their cosmetics.

Citing Crepe Erase as an Example of Cruelty-Free Brand of Skincare Products

Crepe Erase, the manufacturer of a leading brand of skin rejuvenating skincare systems, with a particular focus on treatments for loose and crepey skin, is a California-based company.

Popular for its anti-aging products, the company is a certified cruelty-free manufacturer of age-defying treatments as all its products make use of a patented, proprietary formula known as TruFirm® Complex. The TruFirm® formula consists mainly of phytonutrients provided by shea butter, cocoa butter, and cassava extract, as well as Vitamin E, beeswax, and anti-aging hydration oils.

Numerous crepe erase reviews attest to the efficiency of the anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments of Crepe Erase, as the company has tested its products using sophisticated vitro methods applied on human tissues and cells while aided by advanced computer modeling techniques. As a matter of fact, proponents of cruelty-free cosmetics include Crepe Erase in their list of “Cruelty-Free Brands List of Cosmetics.”
