Brown adipose tissues (BAT) are present in all mammals including humans, since they are critical for sustaining central body temperature and balance of energy. Dogs for one, also have BAT as part of their inner heating mechanism, in addition to the thick fur that provides them the extra warmth they need during colder season or climate.


Why Does BAT Matter?

Actually, the increased attention being given to brown adipose tissues is not related to a health issue. BAT researches are focused on the capabilities of the brown fat cells to burn even the white fats stored in overweight or obese human bodies.

Dogs like Huskies, Chow Chows, Pomeranians and Great Pyrenese are naturally endowed with lots of furs because they originate from places with colder climates. The thick external covering helps them retain the natural heat thermogenically produced by the BAT in their bodies, even as they stay outdoors for an extended period of time.

Smaller dogs, particularly the short-haired breed or those that originated in regions with warmer climates also produce body heat, but on a more controlled level. Although their owners worry that they do not have enough furs to protect them from the bitter cold the unusually cold temperatures occurring lately, their BAT mechanism works to give them extra insulation. Nonetheless, veterinarians recommend that for short-haired dogs, it would be best to make them wear some protective clothing if they will be staying outdoors for more than 10 minutes.

BAT in hibernating animals are actually important because its unique thermogenic capabilities can quickly produce the heat that rewarms their body when coming out of long period of inactivity or slumber.

In non-hibernating animals, exposing the body to colder temperatures for a prolonged period, will initiate the recruitment or conversion of white fat cells into becoming brown fat that the body can burn additionally during thermogenesis.

How BAT is Being Harnessed as a Weight Loss Driver

Aside from eating the right kind of diet meal that works effectively in bringing down an overweight or an obese person’s body mass index, some people take weight loss pills to speed up the calorie-burning process. However, not all weight loss pills work as efficiently as they do in all types of people. As it is, the success of most diet programs depend on the lifestyle, genetic makeup or environment of the individuals attempting to reduce their weight.

What about Exipure, the weight loss treatment that has been formulated with natural ingredients known to promote the thermogenic mechanisms of brown adipose tissue? Unlike other weight loss pills that simply burn caloric intakes, Exipure harnesses the unique thermogenic tissues in burning not only brown fat cells. Part of the BAT’s metabolic mechanism enables the recruitment of white fat cells as additional sources of fats to burn to produce heat.

To find out if Exipure really works, readers can find a fair and balanced review of the product at the Geeks Health website; providng clearer details on why the site’s fitness experts believe that it does.